NHS creates better leaders
by Shea Craig
NHS Chapter President, Ashland District School
The National Honor Society is very important to me and to the rest of the students who are involved in it.
Contributed photo
ASHLAND NHS — Members of the Ashland District School National Honor Society are, in front from left, president Shea Craig, Ally Beaulier, vice president Gabby Cyr and Rachel Gillis. Middle row, treasurer Rebecca Libby, secretary Kali Pelletier, Fallyn Tardie, Lacey Good, Marissa Chasse and Jasmine Clark. Back, Alex Chasse, Mark Corella and Tyler Levesque. Absent when photo was taken was Ashley Robinson.
I’ve gained skills while in NHS, such as becoming a better leader, and this will help me in my future. NHS members are role models for the other students, and I believe that every one of our members is a great role model. Being a member of the NHS is an honor and it means a lot to each one of us to know that our teachers have chosen us to be involved in it.