The Forgotten Ones

11 years ago

The Forgotten Ones

To the editor:
    I read the article in The Star Herald dated April 10 titled Budget unfairly targets elderly.

    It is sad when we have leaders in our country who would take away benefits from our elderly when it took years and a lot of hard work to provide these benefits. Our elderly today was what made America the greatest nation in the world over the past 100 years.
    I feel the reason these people come up with these ideas is to force the relatives of our elderly to take care of them, therefore relieving the city, state, county and federal governments of this responsibility. I call this regression instead of progressing.
    We have leaders in America criticizing other countries about human rights yet how dehumanizing can a country get to correct a debt problem at the expense of our elderly.
    I think it’s immoral and disgusting to say the least.

Howard E. Worthington
Master Sgt. USAF Retired