How times have changed

11 years ago

How times have changed

To the editor:
    Changes in our world have been taking place since time began, some have been good, some have been bad. The one change that concerns me most is the changes in the moral conduct of the people.

    God gave us laws to live by and man has passed laws to contain the behavior of the people, and most people obeyed these laws — willingly, out of respect.
    Today we live in a world where the theory of life is get as much as you can, as fast as you can, and any way you can. Live your life in whatever way that it makes you feel good, even if it means breaking the laws of God and man.
    People living together and bringing children into the world without being married is morally wrong. Homosexuality and same-sex marriage is not only morally wrong but it is not natural behavior, and certainly not condoned by God.

Howard E. Worthington
Master Sgt USAF Retired