115 Years Ago-June 9, 1897
• The Sub-Primary School, Miss Marion Littlefield, teacher, gave a delightful closing day program Friday. Red and blue bunting draped the pillars, doors and windows, and blossoms and buds and masses of green foliage were everywhere.
• F. L. and W. L. Oak and John F. Jerrard arrived home last night from a two-day trip to Madawaska Stream where they captured 100 trout.
100 Years Ago-June 5, 1913
• Hardware and more — H. H. Wilder of Washburn advertises the following in this week’s newspaper: Syracuse, Sulky and John Deere plows; lime, cement, doors, windows, hard pine sheathing, nails; as well as plumbing and heating supplies.
• Senior photos — The senior class of the Stockholm grammar school, accompanied by their teacher Miss Myra D. Thurlow, were in Caribou Saturday having their class pictures taken. Members are as follows: Edith Lenora Anderson, Esther Louise Ione Googins, Pearl Kelsey Burns, Mary Frances Foley, Dollie Fern Rugan, Edgar Leroy Peterson, Carl Arthur Beckstrom and Carlton Mead Googins; accompanied by Mrs. George Burns and Fraser Googins.
75 Years Ago-June 9, 1938
• Baseball league formed — At a meeting held last Friday at Fort Fairfield, the Northern Maine Baseball League was formed to include teams from the towns of Caribou, Fort Fairfield, Van Buren, Limestone, Presque Isle and Mars Hill. All admissions to the Caribou games will be 25 cents and 10 cents. The Caribou club will be managed by Philip Mealey.
• Buzzell heads county carriers — Arthur Buzzell of Caribou was elected president of the Aroostook County Rural Carriers’ Association at the annual business session in Presque Isle. Retiring president E. Lundgren of New Sweden presided at the meeting.
50 Years Ago-June 6, 1963
• A courteous community — The Caribou Chamber of Commerce will again sponsor courtesy training sessions, two each day, June 11, 13 and 14. The sessions do not infer in any way that the people of Caribou are not as courteous as in other communities, rather, the purpose is to make Caribou the most courteous town in Maine, affording everyone who comes here to trade or visit the courteous treatment they deserve.
• Caribou locals — Miss Josephine Brown, retiring from the teaching profession after many years, was guest of honor at a dinner party held at Green Acres by the elementary teachers of Caribou. RD 3 Rodney Sirois has been home spending a 20-day leave with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dellwyn Sirois, after completing seven months of duty in Iceland. Miss Belinda Page, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Page was elected Miss Pine and Spurs (Riding Club) for 1963.
25 Years Ago-June 8, 1988
• Hall of Fame inducts two — Two Caribou residents were officially inducted into the Maine Sports Hall of Fame in an impressive ceremony held Sunday at the Bangor Civic Center. Emery Plourde and Gerry Duffy were two of seven inductees who were honored. Plourde, one of the all-time great track athletes in Maine during his time, attended Caribou High School and Seton Hall University. Duffy, a former standout athlete at Orono High School, played semi-pro football and also professional basketball and baseball in the Canadian league; he just ended a 22-year coaching career at CHS.
• 1988 moose hunters — In the recent lottery for 1988 moose hunting permits, 1,000 people received permits out of an approximate 76,466 applicants statewide. Nine of those were Caribou residents: William Anderson, George Seward, Charline Levasseur, Mark Mase, Gerald Ouellette. Wayne McAfee, Norman Soucy, Johnathan St. Pierre and Peter Duffy.