115 Years Ago-July 28, 1897
• A party of young ladies and gentlemen visited Limestone on Joseph Laing’s buckboard to have supper at the Bangor & Aroostook House. The party comprised Misses Marion Stevens, Lucy Hardison, Emma Pattee, Helen Briggs, Ethel Havey and Messrs. W. E. Sincock, A. J. Taylor, B. L. Fletcher, T. V. Doherty amd Charles Briggs.
100 Years Ago-July 24, 1913
• Koch takes pulpit in New Sweden — Miss Koch of Washburn will speak in the Free Mission Church Friday July 25th at 7:30 p.m. Miss Koch is an able speaker and well known here, having been here before. She is at present supplying the pulpit in her brother’s church in Washburn. Everyone is cordially invited to come.
• Washburn items of interest — Building operations are about to commence on the Methodist Episcopal church to complete the original (renovation) plan. Mr. Lorenzo Cheney has sold his farm to brother, Rev. Isaac Cheney of Caribou, who is to take possession shortly. Mr. Joseph Hedrich of Presque Isle was in town on business last Thursday.
75 Years Ago-July 28, 1938
• Boating accident heroine — Eight persons narrowly escaped drowning at Madawaska Lake Sunday when two motorboats collided and overturned. A large motorboat operated by Winifred Quimby of Caribou and a craft piloted by Sidney Tibbetts crashed broadside when Tibbett’s steering apparatus jammed. Miss Patricia Gregory, 15 year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Gregory of this town was the heroine, pulling several of the occupants from the water.
• Limestone locals — Miss Valeska Ward has resigned from her position at Newberry’s in Caribou and is now working for the Limestone Electric Light & Power Co. Miss Martina Griffeth expects to enroll in Eastern Academy of Beauty Culture this fall. Mrs. Evelyn Adams and Mrs. Madeline Gallagher took their tests Friday to acquire driver’s licenses.
50 Years Ago-July 25, 1963
• At the movies — This week at the Polaris Drive-In, movie-goers can see the Rogers & Hammerstein musical “Oklahoma” with Gordon MacRae and Shirley Jones; “Birdman of Alcatraz with Burt Lancaster and Karl Malden is featured at the Dorseyland Drive-In; “Flipper the Fabulous Dolphin” starring Chuck Connors is featured at the Powers Theatre; and “Hud” starring Paul Newman is showing at the Caribou Theater.
• Civil defense certified — The following individuals received diplomas for successfully passing the medical self help course in Stockholm made possible by local Civil Defense: Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Plourde, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Perron, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Albert, Mr. and Mrs. Oreille Dufour, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Perron, the Rev. Antonio Gosslin, Edwin Bosse, Lewis Campbell, Richard Levesque, Alton Wardwell, Margaret Anderson and Ethel Aucoin.
25 Years Ago-July 27, 1988
• Clinic for student smokers — Caribou High School students who are caught smoking will be ordered to attend a stop-smoking clinic, under new policy guidelines enacted by the Board of Education. The board unanimously voted to amend its smoking policy to comply with a new state law prohibiting all smoking at public schools and requiring students caught smoking a third time to attend the mandatory clinic.
• Family reunion time — Sportsmen’s Lodge in Axel Siding was the setting Sunday for over 60 members of the Ketch family who gathered for a family reunion. Mr. and Mrs. Merle Hersey recently entertained the descendents of Burton and Olive Norsworthy Hersey at a family dinner. Eighty-two descendents of the Colby Buzzell family gathered at the Woodland Consolidated School July 4 for a family reunion.