Back to school time in RSU 50

11 years ago

RSU 50 Katahdin Elementary, Middle/High School and Southern Aroostook Community School will open the new school year on Tuesday, Sept. 3 (this will be a colored day). This opening day will include students grades DK-7 and grade 9 at the Katahdin schools and students K-9 at Southern Aroostook School, plus 11-grade students attending Region II vocational classes. The first student day for grades 8, 10, 11, 12 will be on Wednesday, Sept. 4 (this will be a white day) at Katahdin and for 10th, 11th and 12th graders at Southern Aroostook.

Faculty and staff will return on Wednesday, Aug. 28 and Thursday, Aug. 29 for two in-service workshop days.
There will be registration for new students during the week of August 19-23 from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Southern Aroostook Community School and at the Katahdin schools. If you wish to schedule an appointment, please call 757-8206 or 365-4218.
Bus pick up times will be approximately the same as last year. Parents are asked to have their children ready a few minutes early the first few days, between 6:50-7 a.m., and plan to have them board the bus that stops at their house (not necessarily the bus they rode last year).
Student dismissal will be at 2:20 p.m. for all schools in Regional School Unit 50.
RSU 50 food service program will offer breakfast and lunch with the following prices: Full price lunches will be $1.85 for students in K-5; $1.95 for students in grades 6-8 and $2.10 for students in grades 9-12.
Full price for school breakfast: Pre-K-6 – $ .50 and 7-12  $1. Lunches will include a choice of milk and extra milk is priced at 30 cents each. Adult meal prices: Breakfast:  $1.25 and lunch $4.25. Also, applications are made available for families to determine their eligibility for free and/or reduced meals.
The RSU 50 schools have again received a Federal grant to provide fresh fruits and vegetables for elementary students outside of the usual breakfast and lunch programs. These items will be offered at varying times on a rotating schedule.
Students attending Region II vocational classes, please call your high school office if you have schedule questions or concerns. For additional information, please call 365-4218 or 757-8206 between 8 a.m. and 2 p.m.