The inaugural run

11 years ago

Photo courtesy of NEP
NE-NEP prints BDN first-clr-c-all-34The inaugural run of the Bangor Daily News took place Monday, Aug. 19, at Northeast Publishing in Presque Isle. Pictured reviewing the first issue off the press are,

from left: Bob Maynard, director of production; Michael Gudreau, scanner and plate maker; and Tom Emmert, director of information systems, graphic design and new media. Anthony Ronzio, BDN’s director of news and new media, provided the following editor’s note: Starting Tuesday, issues of the Bangor Daily News circulated in Aroostook County will be printed and distributed locally from Northeast Publishing in Presque Isle. This changeover is part of the BDN’s restructuring of its printing and distribution operations, which was announced in late June and will be completed in late September. Readers in Aroostook County may notice subtle changes to the texture of their newspaper, including the ink. This is necessary given the printing equipment employed by Northeast Publishing. However, this change also allows for improved deadlines for the Aroostook County edition as well as more local delivery. For information or to ask questions about this change, please don’t hesitate to call the BDN Newsroom at 990-8175 or e-mail