1938: R.H. Frost purchases Perry-Frost Co.

11 years ago

100 Years Ago-Sept. 11, 1913

• Auto license crackdown — The Maine Automobile Association decided to get after non-residents operating machines within the State for over 30 days without taking out a license, also against car owners who are operating their machines under last year’s licenses. The Association is to send out a request to its 2,000 members to assist in any way and promptly report any violations.
• Home for sale — The advertisement reads: “Want a First Class Home?” As we are going away, we have for immediate sale our home property on North Main Street. The location in unequalled in this growing town, handy to all schools, churches and post office, and of goodly size. The house was thoroughly built “pon honor” and will be a comfort and joy to the purchaser. — Willis B. Hall.

75 Years Ago-Sept. 15, 1938

• Local business news — The insurance concern of Perry-Frost Co. has within the last week changed ownership when R. H. Frost of Caribou purchased complete interest in the establishment. A concrete retaining wall and curb at the corner of Main St. and Collins Ave. and along the side of the building occupied by the National Confectionary Co., was recently constructed to divert water and protect the basements in this vicinity. Miss Kathryn Whittier has returned to her duties at the Aroostook Trust Co., after enjoying two weeks vacation.
• Fine furs for winter — Green’s of Fort Fairfield is advertising furs for as low as $98 in this weeks newspaper, including those created from squirrel, Hudson seal, caracul, Persian, skunk, fox, Jap mink and raccoon shown by I. J. Fox’s own stylists.

50 Years Ago-Sept. 12, 1963

• Holy Rosary School news — Police Chief Rufus Bernard was guest speaker at the first fall meeting of the Holy Rosary School Society with a topic of “safety.” President John Michaud conducted the meeting and liason officer, Mrs. William Bridgeo reported that Sister Superior had requested a TV set and a public address system. Mrs. Lillian Wark was elected chairman of the harvest supper. Father Nicknair offered opening and closing prayers.

25 Years Ago-Sept. 14, 1988

• Tinker Dam dedicated — More than seven years of planning and construction to bring salmon back to the Aroostook River culminated with the dedication of the $500,000 Tinker Dam Fish Trap facility last week. Some 150 people turned out to tour the recently completed facility, a cooperative venture between the Maine and New Brunswick Electrical Power Co. Ltd. and Atlantic Salmon for Northern Maine Inc.
• SCORE elects officers — The Caribou SCORE (Service Corp of Retired Executives) chapter held its annual meeting Sept. 8 and elected the following slate of officers: Phil Brown, chairman; Bill Shaw, vice chairman; Milt Bailey, secretary and Kris Blancq, secretary. The chapter serves all of Aroostook County, providing counseling services at no charge to people interested in starting a business or improving their technical or managerial skills.