To the editor:
On behalf of the Merrill Board of Selectmen and the Merrill Millstream Park Committee, we would like to thank everyone who worked and/or participated in the Merrill Millstream Park Cruise-In. It was a great success; everyone had a wonderful time and the proceeds from the event went to the continued improvements at the Merrill Millstream Park. We want to thank all who worked setting up for the event, those who donated to the event, those who participated, those who prepared the meal and to the clean-up crew.
Volunteers included Ken and Pearl Bustard, Alberta McDonald, Ralph and Cindy Bartman, Rob and Wendy Furrow, Andy and Jill Bustard, Peter and Shirley Drew, Sonny and Jan Votaw, Candy and Scotty Nevers, John White, Alex and Austin White, Carl Bustard, Jr., Kyle Bartman, Heidi Pratt, Mike Kitchen, Eric Cone and our youngest volunteer who sold lemonade to benefit the park – Miss Olivia Lawler. We also extend a special thank-you to Billy and Penny Nadeau for the continued use of their parking lot for the MMP events. We give a huge shout-out to Katahdin Forest Products for the load of lumber donated for the auction and to Houlton Tire for gift certificates to benefit the MMP.
We are the most fortunate community in Maine to have people from several communities volunteer for events held at the Merrill Millstream Park repeatedly.
Candy Nevers
Merrill Town Manager