115 Years Ago-Sept. 22, 1897
• Hunters report partridges as being scarce this season.
• John Trusty and A. L. Leeman attended the annual meeting of the Independent Order of High Court of Foresters of Maine held in Houlton.
100 Years Ago-Sept. 18, 1913
Business listings — The following local businessmen (and women) were listed under “Professional Cards.”A. B. Donworth, counselor at law; Dr. B. L. Pratt, veterinary surgeon; Willis B. Hall and Joseph E. Hall, lawyers; Geo. A. Monahan, dentist; W. P. Hamilton, attorney at law; W. H. Theriault, livery feed and sale; Dr. W. P. Hutchins, physician and surgeon; Percy E. Higgins, attorney and counselor at law; Harry H. Shaw, trucking; John B. Roberts, attorney at law; O. L. Keyes, attorney and counselor at law, S. M. Straight, first-class horseshoeing; Miss Mary Ingraham, pianist and teacher, Lang Studios of Boston; Drs. C. F. Thomas and Son, physicians and surgeons; H. H. Woodworth, proprietor of Caribou Machine Shop; O. L. Farnsworth, attorney at law and Philip A. Phair, piano tuner.
75 Years Ago-Sept. 22, 1938
Ministers’ meeting — The annual meeting of the Northern Aroostook Ministerial Association was held Monday with the principal business of the session being completion of plans for a northern Aroostook preaching mission to open the week of October 9. Caribou’s members of the committee are the Rev. D. R. Hickland, the Rev. John R. MacGorman, the Rev. H. F. Rigby and the Rev. G. D. Frazier.
No longer a “dry” community — In the referendum questions vote last week, Fort Fairfield voted itself out of the dry column by an emphatic margin, the vote being 905 to 423 for continuing the state store; a taproom licence was granted to the hotel 852 to 475, and beer was voted back 820 to 505. Wine and spirits will be on sale at the Plymouth January 1 and beer and ale will return on that date.
50 Years Ago-Sept. 19, 1963
Army reserve promotions — Six promotions for members of the 428th Civil Affairs Company, 2nd Platoon, U.S. Army Active Reserve of Caribou have been announced. Those promoted were: Staff Sergeant (E6), Stanley A. Thomas employed by Northern Sales and Service; Sergeant (E5) Ronald L. Anderson with the State Highway Department; Robert G. Fournier, self-employed in the garage business; Daniel R. Lapointe, engaged in farming; Specialist (E4) Philip E. St. Peter, employed at Potato Service Inc.; and Private First Class (E3) Clayton U. Cyr of Hamlin Plantation who is engaged in farming.
25 Years Ago-Sept. 21, 1988
George Bush Jr. visits Aroostook — “I’m George Bush, glad to be here,” drawled a familiar voice. The man making the rounds in South Hall Lounge at the University of Maine-Presque Isle last week even bore a striking resemblance to George Bush, though he was not the vice president. The tall Texan, it turned out, was George Bush Jr., the presidential candidate’s eldest son, in town briefly on the first stop of a one-day campaign tour through Maine on behalf of his father. During a short speech to 30 supporters who turned out to welcome him, Bush introduced himself as a “half-broke oil man trying to get my dad a real job.”
Cajun music comes to Caribou — Those who watched this year’s Republican National Convention on TV would have seen the Caribou Performing Arts Center’s upcoming attraction, Beausoleil, performing in New Orleans. They are scheduled to perform in Caribou on Oct. 23.