Island Falls News

Riva Hawkes, Special to The County
11 years ago

On Saturday, Dec. 7, the Island Falls Historical Society will have its annual Christmas cookie sale at the Tingley House, starting at 10 a.m. until 1 p.m. The coffee pot will be on and ready to go for all those who come to buy and then sample what they have chosen. There will be a great variety of cookies and they really go fast — so come early and enjoy.

Mrs. Katherine (Tat) Springer has returned to Houlton to the Madigan House after a stay at Eastern Maine Hospital in Bangor, where she had under gone surgery. She is now feeling fine. I’m sure she would appreciate cards and visits from her friends and acquaintances.
Jerolyn (Jones) Ireland moved recently from her home here in Island Falls to an apartment in Houlton. Her new address can be found at the library via Rebecca Drew, librarian. Discovered recently that the deer have found the bird feeders and they love the sunflower seeds and somehow others have found a way to every seed in the feeders. One feeder is high, but the deer have long necks and can easily reach up and swipe all the seeds they want and I’m sure I will be filling the feeders more then once a day.
I see an occasional gray squirrel now, too, and they do a job on cleaning out the feeders. I have lots of little birds, too, but have seen no cardinals yet. Maybe when the snow arrives they will show up too.  Still swimming at Vacationland Estates and have a few of the summer regulars still coming also. I haven’t seen my friend, John White, at the pool lately, but imagine he is busy getting ready for the big Christmas party to be held on Dec. 14 at the Millstream Park in Smyrna. He is one of the many volunteers who help to make the events at the Millstream Park fun for the children … and grown-ups too.