Purple Hat ladies met at The Taste of China in Houlton on Tuesday, February 11 for their February meeting. Charlotte Marley, director and leader, was in charge.
Juanita Wiggin is a new member and we welcomed her. All present were given their nametags and the ladies gave their Purple Hat names to go with it.
I offered the grace before the meal and then she read a Purple Hat poem with several quotes from members.
Charlotte conducted the Left to Right game with the members bringing a Valentine. When the game ended, the Valentine one was holding was the one she was to take home. A fun time! Wannetta Townsend and Millie Gagnon were presented with the Purple Hat gifts for February.
“Happy Birthday” was sung to all having a birthday during February month. Cindy Gray will have charge of this at future meetings. We all signed cards for those on the sick list.
Charlotte made a video for Peggy Sanders who has moved to Florida and for Doreen Messina, already a resident there. The March meeting will be in Linneus at Grammy’s Country Inn Tuesday, March 11. Please mark your calendars.
For information on Purple Hat you may call Charlotte Marley at 757-8483 or any of the ladies listed below. Attending were: from Cary, Jackie Colella; from Houlton, Lois Downing and Wannetta Townsend;
From Dyer Brook, Sandy Wyman and Marie Gillotti; from Merrill, Arlene Friel; from New Limerick, Juanita Wiggin; from Oakfield, Delores Locke, Evelyn Johnston, Bernice Campbell, Mildred Gagnon, Sandra Holmes and Elaine Barrett; and from Smyrna, Cindy Gray and Charlotte Marley.