Two injured in Tuesday crash

11 years ago

By Kathy McCarty
Staff Writer

    WASHBURN, Maine — Two people sustained minor injuries in a Tuesday morning accident on Route 164, north of the town.
“Tyson White, 23, of Mars Hill, was driving a 2004 Mercury Mountaineer east on Route 164. As he came down the hill, he struck a 2001 PT Cruiser operated by Jennifer Farr, 33, of Washburn. Farr had slowed to turn into a driveway and White was unable to stop due to icy road conditions and slid into the back of Farr’s car,” said Chief Roy Guidry, of the Washburn Police Department. Guidry said the impact spun both vehicles around, coming to rest facing the direction they’d just come from.
The accident was called in around 8:30 a.m. Washburn Fire Department assisted with traffic control. Crown Ambulance transported Farr to The Aroostook Medical Center for treatment of neck and head pain.
“White complained of pain in his right foot and right wrist. He was taken to the hospital by his girlfriend,” said Guidry.
Beaulieu’s towing service was contacted and removed both vehicles from the scene. White’s SUV sustained extensive front-end damage, while Farr’s car had heavy damage to the back.
Guidry said there would be no charges. He blamed the accident on road conditions.