WAGM news personality Kelly O’Mara will join other local musicians in a Christian music concert Sunday, March 16, at 3 p.m. at the Houlton United Methodist Church. Admission is free, but a free-will offering will be taken for the Backpacks for Kids program, which reaches 45-50 children and 17 families in the community.
O’Mara grew up in Easton and earned a bachelor’s degree in elementary education from the University of Maine at Orono. After two years of teaching, she became a weather anchor and reporter at WAGM, where she is now co-anchor for the 5:30 and 6 p.m. newscasts. Music has always been one of her passions.
Also on the program are Tom Brown, the Holy Strummers, the Lovely Family, Coral Botting, the SSS Kids and others yet to be announced. All are welcome to attend.
The Backpacks for Kids program is a 36-week project which provides area children with backpacks filled with food for the weekends. Food costs have risen, and interest in the program has increased as well. In 2013 the program spent $12,000. The program receives financial help from County Yankee, Houlton Rotary Club, the HUMC and many single donations.
Donations of macaroni and cheese and soup will also be gratefully accepted during March.