Kiwanis donation will buy books for UWA program

Kathy McCarty, Special to The County
10 years ago

    PRESQUE ISLE, Maine — Members of the Presque Isle Kiwanis Club presented Executive Director Claudia Stevens with the first of five $1,000 checks to benefit Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library, a program facilitated by the United Way of Aroostook that distributes books to children under 5 years of age throughout Aroostook County.
The check presentation took place on April 23 at Steven’s office, located in the Machias Savings Bank building on Parsons Street.
“The money comes from our general fund. This program fits perfectly with our mission statement of ‘serving the children of the world.’ We felt our money would go farther by partnering with United Way of Aroostook,” said Sherry Locke, president-elect of the Kiwanis Club.
The club pledged a total of $5,000 to the UWA, with the donation spread over five years.
“The money will be used to buy books for our Dolly program. This program provides age-appropriate books to children once a month, from the time they are born until they reach the age of 5. A lot of books can be purchased with $1,000,” said Stevens.
Stevens since the UWA first got involved, the program has been a success.
“It’s really taken off. About 50 percent of kids in Aroostook in that age group have signed up,” said Stevens.
Fundraisers have helped cover the cost of books.
“We cover the entire county. If they have an Aroostook County ZIP code and are under 5 years of age, they’re eligible. It doesn’t have anything to do with income,” Stevens said.
“This is great for the children of Aroostook,” noted UWA Campaign Chair Wanda Guiggey.
“This is a great program. We’re pleased with the interest that’s been shown and the positive responses we’ve received,” said Cheri Doak, UWA president.
Doak said the five-year partnership between the UWA and Kiwanis will ensure there’ll be books for children within the designated age group for the next five years.
Michelle Cushman, vice president of the Kiwanis Club, said it’s a pleasure to work with local organizations on projects like this. “We’re happy to be able to do this,” she said.
“These are really good quality books. This is a great opportunity for both organizations to bring the gift of reading to the children of Aroostook,” said Lt. Gov. AJ Cloukey, of the Kiwanis Club.
Anyone interested in learning more about the program or to make a donation, should call the UWA at 764-5197.