Co-baseball team to be learning experience

Gloria Austin, Special to The County
10 years ago

With the introduction of a cooperative baseball team, the East Grand/Greater Houlton Christian Academy team has come together after a several-year absence of the program in each school.

“It has been three seasons since East Grand fielded a varsity baseball team, and two since GHCA did,” said cooperative baseball coach Chris Young. “The result will be a learning curve.”
Assisting Young this year will be Rex Crocker.
“We have four solid pitchers, which should be an advantage for us” said Young.  “Whether we can hit the ball and field the ball are question marks.”
Leading the pitching rotation is senior Logan Crone, who had an outstanding freshman year, which is the last time East Grand fielded a team. He will be the “go-to” guy on the mound with a fastball ranging in the 70s, along with a couple of more pitches to boost his arsenal.
Rounding out the pitching staff will be sophomore Jim Schuurman and freshmen Philip Farley and Peter Apgar.
“They each have good control of the strike zone,” Young added.
Catching this season will be GHCA senior Aaron Holmes. He was one of GHCA’s top hitters the last time they fielded a team.
“He makes solid contact with the bat and will move runners along to get them home,” said Young.
Rounding out the team will be senior Alec Downs (outfield); Schurrman and eighth-grader Thomas Gilman will share first base duties; freshman Josh Jones (second); Farley and Crone (shortstop); Apgar (third) and Downs, sophomore Austin St. Pierre, freshman Wyatt Oliver, Downs and a mix of eighth-graders, Trevor Noyes, Brady McEwen and Lendin Stoddard (outfield).
The team was scheduled to open their season yesterday against Shead in Eastport. They will be in Mars Hill on May 1 and at Machias on May 2. Their first home game is May 14 when they host Woodland.
“We have athletes and we have baseball players,” said Young. “The season results will depend upon how quickly they get back on track.”