Center’s fund-raising auction a success

10 years ago


by Hillary Hallett

    The Aroostook Auction Barn in Easton hosted a fund-raising auction for the Francis Malcolm Institute on May 3, raising $6,400 for their capital campaign.

“We are extremely pleased with the amount raised and grateful to all who participated in the event,” said FMI employees Vaughn Martin, Larry Berz, and Tricia Langner, in a joint statement. “There was something for everyone!”
A wide variety of items were donated by local businesses and the community. The event concluded by auctioning a 55-inch LG Smart TV, donated by local banks. Officials with the FMI would like to send a very sincere “thank you” to all the businesses, individuals and civic organizations for their help in making this event a success, particularly The Aroostook Auction Barn, owned by Travis and MaryAnn Hussey and family.

School registration

    The Easton School Department is now accepting registration for children entering kindergarten or ECP in the fall of 2014. All Easton children who are 5 years old (on or before Oct. 15) are eligible for enrollment in the kindergarten class. All Easton children who are 4 years old (on or before Oct. 15) are eligible for the ECP (Early Childhood Program) class. Please call the Easton Elementary School at 488-7700 as soon as possible to register your child for either of the above classes. The classroom teacher will notify parents/guardians when an informational meeting for parents is scheduled. The following documents are required by the state of Maine: (1) proof of immunizations, birth certificate (hospital copies are not acceptable), and proof of residency (rental agreement, utility bill, etc). These documents must be presented prior to the child beginning school.

Troup 171 earns honors

    The young men of Troup 171 recently earned their Tiger Cub rank through pack 171. Starting the school year, these first grade boys have been working on the Tiger Cub badge. To begin the path to the Tiger Cub rank, the Tiger Cubs must first earn the Tiger Cub belt totem by learning the Tiger Cub motto, the Cub Scout sign and the Cub Scout salute. After they accomplished these tasks, the boys began working on the 15 achievement requirements to earn Tiger Cub rank.These simple requirements, to be completed with the adult partners, include a family activity, Den activity, and Go See It (Den outing) in five achievement areas.  The Easton Tiger Cubs have completed the 15 achievement requirements and received their Tiger Cub badges in a ceremony during a monthly pack meeting. Congratulations to: Zach Pelletier, Blake King, Gabe Legassie and Noah Killcollins on this accomplishment!

Happys Days Club meeting

    The Easton Senior Happy Days Club will be meeting Thursday, May 8, for a potluck dinner. Lunch will begin at 11:30 a.m. Please plan to join them for a delicious dinner and bring a friend.

Circus field trip

    On Friday, May 9, Easton Recreation Department will go to the 3 p.m. show of the Shriners Circus. The bus will depart from the elementary school at 2:15 p.m. The Recreation Department will be covering the cost of tickets but spending money is recommended for snacks and souvenirs on the day of the event. Blue recreation shirts are required. If any parents are able to join us, it would greatly appreciated! Open to grades one and up, younger children may attend with an adult. Pre-registration required.

Rec calendar

    Wednesday, May 7 — Junior Activities at the Hall from 9:30-11 a.m. Kindergarten Swim at Gentile Hall.  The bus departs at 1 p.m. and the kids will ride the after-school bus home.
Thursday, May 8 — Mother’s Day crafts after school at the Hall until 4:15 p.m. Open to grades one and up. Free.
Friday, May 9 — Junior Activities from 9:30-11 a.m. at the Hall. Circus field trip; departing at 2:15 p.m. Pre-registration required!
Monday, May 12 — Sr. Nutrition class at the Manor in the recreation room starting at 11 a.m. We’ll be celebrating Mother’s Day with Chicken Milano and a Trifle. The cost is $3.
After-school cooking at the Hall from 2:45 to 4:15 p.m. Free.
Tuesday, May 13 — Swim Lessons at Gentile. The bus departs at 2:45 p.m. and will return by 4:30 p.m. Pre-registration required.
Wednesday, May 14 — Junior Activities at the Hall from 9:30-11 a.m. Kindergarten Swim at Gentile Hall.  The bus departs at 1 p.m. and the kids will ride the after-school bus home.
Hillary Hallett is the correspondent for Easton. She can be reached by sending an e-mail to: or call 551-7737.