Caribou recreation news

10 years ago

Mother-son dance scheduled for Friday

    The Caribou Parks and Recreation Department will host its annual Mother-Son Dance on Friday, May 9 from 7-9 p.m. at the Caribou Wellness Center gym. Admission is $5 per couple. Photos by Duane will be available for a fee. Refreshments and music will be provided.

Youth track and field

    The Hershey Track and Field program introduces youths to the fundamentals of running, throwing and jumping. There are still openings in the 11-14 age group. Ages is determined as of Dec. 31, 2014. The fee is $17 which includes a T-shirt. Pre-registration is required for the program. Call the recreation office at 493-4224 for more details.

Pitch, Hit and Run

    The Major League Baseball-sponsored Pitch Hit and Run competition is for youths ages 7-14 (age as of July 17, 2014) and meets on Saturday, May 19. This competition measures pitching accuracy, running speed around the bases and distance hitting a ball off a batting tee.
Pre-registration is required. Call 493-4224 for more details.