Past experience factor in permitting process

Kathy McCarty, Special to The County
10 years ago

     PRESQUE ISLE, Maine — Changes to the city’s Chapter 41A — Special Amusement Ordinance now allow City Council to consider past experience with stockholders, managers, etc. when determining approval for a permit for special amusement, following councilors’ approval of the amended ordinance at their May meeting.

City Manager Jim Bennett explained to councilors the reasoning behind the change, prior to the group voting on the matter.
“As you know, our ability to influence liquor licenses under state law is pretty insignificant. Someone can get in trouble, can be threatened with the loss of their license, the state can agree but then the party can appeal and the city can be forced to provide a license,” said Bennett.
Bennett said the revision to this ordinance will enable councilors another method to address such concerns.
“Council has a right to consider any applications. We can’t prevent them from getting a liquor license, but we can prevent entertainment,” said Bennett, reading the change made to the ordinance.
As amended, Section 2-05 — Previous Ownership states: “If the applicant has previously owned, operated or managed or been the primary ownership interest in any company, corporation or other legal entity that has previously held a special amusement permit or liquor license from this municipality, then such information may be used as a basis for determination of the issuance of the permit consistent with Article 2.”
“This has been used in other communities to address particular issues,” said Bennett.
Councilor Dick Engels moved to approve the amendment to the ordinance, with all councilors voting in favor of the change.