115 Years Ago-July 6, 1898
• Olof Nylander returned from Square Lake, Thursday, where he went to procure fossils for Columbia College.
• The first vestibule train out of Caribou, on the B. & A., went from the station at noon, Monday in the charge of conductor J. B. McMann.
100 Years Ago-July 2, 1914
Prosperous Aroostook — It would not be too much to say that 150 automobiles have been sold so far this season by Caribou dealers. Of course there is a reason for such large sales — it is the unprecedented prosperity of the county.
Evangelical gathering in Crouseville — There will be a meeting at the A. V. Park where evangelist F. W. Foster of Fort Fairfield will be one of the speakers; Rev. C. C. Koch, pastor of the First Baptist church at Mars Hill and Caribou ministers are expected to attend along with other Christian workers, and laymen who are constantly engaged in evangelistic work, namely, Fred Kierstead, Ferd Deeves and Havelock Knox who will lead the singing.
75 Years Ago-July 6, 1939
Greenier wins first Northern Maine Soap Box Derby — Dropping down over the 600-foot course which was lined with 3,000 spectators, Randall Greenier, fourteen-year-old Caribou youth in his black and orange racer, sped to victory in the first annual Northern Maine Soap Box Derby held here Saturday. Randall, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Greenier, shot down the North Main hill in the fast time of 21 seconds.
Van Buren hosts firemen’s muster — Teams from thirteen county fire departments participated in the annual Aroostook county firemen’s muster at Van Buren Wednesday before 1,500 people lining Main street of the town. Caribou firemen took second place in two events , the dry line hookup and water battle.
50 Years Ago-July 2, 1964
Beaulieu receives scouting honor — Scoutmaster Pete Beaulieu of Caribou was among those receiving “Scouter Keys” at the 15th Annual Beef Barbecue of the Katahdin Area Council, Boy Scouts of America at Orrington. It is the highest recognition which any man can receive from his Scout council.
Perham eighth grade graduates — Graduation exercises were held at the First Baptist Church for members of the eighth grade of the Perham School. Superintendent William Foster presented diplomas to Sylvia Blackstone, Shirley Brisette, Shelly Cockey, Ashley and Ronald Curtis, Linda Gagnon, Dana Hallowell, David and Donna Hartsgrove and Byron Skidgell.
25 Years Ago-July 5, 1989
Summer grocery savings — In their weekly ad, Shop ‘n Save Supermarkets are featuring the following specials: Prince macaroni & cheese, 20 cents per box; one pint blueberries, $1.29; London broil steak, $1.68 per pound; and one half gallon Sealtest ice cream for $1.98.
Country Club welcomes new members — The first business meeting of the season of the Ladies’ Division of the Caribou Country Club was held June 27 with 26 members present. President Marjorie Wyman presided and the following new members were welcomed: Anna Raymond, Jane Small and Adrina McElwain.