Pioneer Times photo/Gloria AustinCOME ON IN — Shelley’s Café and Bakery, owned by Michelle and Danny Williams, is open at 23 Market Square Monday through Saturday 7 a.m. to 2 p.m. Getting ready for business are, from left, Ruth Ann Burpee, Williams and Millie Cleary. Williams holds onto a picture of her father, Harold McCarthy, who was the inspiration for the restaurant.
Shelley’s Cafe and Bakery opens for business
By Gloria Austin
Staff Writer
HOULTON — Hanging on the wall as you go into Shelley’s Café and Bakery is a photograph. The man in the picture leaning on concrete barriers in front of a pair of workhorses is the inspiration behind the new downtown eatery.
“See, I brought Dad with me,” said Michelle Williams looking at the photograph. It was his dream and mine. He always wanted me to open a restaurant. I wanted to call it Harold’s Dream.”
Williams is referring to her father Harold McCarthy, who kept prodding her along. He died in 2011.
Williams and her father looked at places in Oakfield and in Monticello, with neither location working out. But, that did not deter McCarthy.
“He was always picking out a building and saying, ‘You could put a restaurant in there,’ so when this place was put on the market, I thought this would really make him happy.”
And, Williams senses his presence daily.
“He lived right over there,” Williams said looking towards the Market Square Commons. “He could have just looked over here every day.”
Shelley’s Café and Bakery located at 23 Market Square in Houlton, tucked between Shiretown Coins and Beals Variety, has the usual menu of breakfast and lunch, including bagels, toast, assorted muffin flavors, cinnamon rolls, breakfast sandwiches, waffles and English muffins and even a breakfast meal to the traditional lunch of subs, and sandwiches, salads and of course, dessert. Refreshments are coffee, milk (white or chocolate) and Coke products.
“We will have a special each day,” Williams said. “Those specials will change each week, as well. We do not have any deep-fried food. But, if I see a new recipe, I will try to make it.”
But, the one traditional County meal on the menu is baked beans on Saturdays.
Shelley’s Café and Bakery is open Monday through Saturday from 7 a.m. to 2 p.m. The café is set up for dining in or take out by calling 227-8997. Take out orders are usually filled within 10 minutes.
Williams is hoping that groups and others will feel at home at her café and bakery. The décor is rustic with darkened wood stain on the coffee bar and tables, which were built by her nephew, and the dining closer to home-style.
Alongside Williams is her daughter, son and husband, Abbie, Christopher and Danny, as well as Ruth Ann Burpee and Millie Cleary.
“I have always really wanted to do this,” said Williams with a smile. “I love to cook.”
Shelley’s Café and Bakery held a soft opening during Midnight Madness on July 7 and Williams was pleased with the response.
“There were a lot of people in here,” she said. “Many came in to eat, but a lot said they would be back.”
As Williams gets her restaurant bearings, she is looking for feedback from customers and hopes that those who patron the café will feel at home. Williams is undecided on what to with the open room between the kitchen and dining area.
“I may make it into a sitting room with rocking chairs or I may even make it into a children’s area,” she said. After all, she still operates the Lollipop Daycare on Guy Street in Houlton.
If the business develops, Williams is already thinking about extending her hours to offer supper.
“That is among the long-term plans,” she added.
Shelley’s Café and Bakery opened officially on July 7 and Williams is content.
“I am going to make something and name it after Dad,” she said. “I just haven’t figured it out yet.”
Even though Harold never had the chance to help with the opening, he had the foresight and now, it is a reality.