Running events scheduled at CHS on Labor Day

10 years ago

  CARIBOU, Maine — Running is the theme of a pair of events being held on Labor Day, Sept. 1, at Caribou High School.
The annual Aroostook Federal Saving and Loan Viking Run will kick off the day beginning at 9 a.m. at the CHS track. Registration for the 10 different children’s races begins at 8 a.m. Runners from age 2 through the eighth grade are encouraged to participate. Pre-K and kindergarten runners compete in a quarter-mile run. Grades 1-2 and 3-4 run a half mile, while grades 5-6 and 7-8 run one mile.
There will be trophies for the top three male and female finishers in each race. Ribbons and T-shirts will be awarded to all the young athletes who take part.
After that is complete, the Caribou Labor Day Road Race takes place. The course begins and ends at the CHS track. Registration starts at 9 a.m. with the five-kilometer walk getting underway at 10:30 a.m. and the 8K run following with an 11 a.m. start.
For more information, contact Christopher Smith at 768-9472.
The road race serves as the finale of the Aroostook Musterds Running Club’s Challenge Series. Standings for the series following the first six races are as follows:
Overall men: first, Curtis Wheeler, 38 points; second, PJ Gorneault, 33; and third, Chris Rines, 25; overall women: first, Kim Wright, 39; second, Nicole Hanscom, 37; and third, Angela Ewings, 21.
Male 14 and under: first, Trace Cyr, 25; second, Evan Desmond, 22; and third, Daniel Randolph, 20; female 14 and under: first, Teagan Ewings, 33; second, Libby Moreau, 11; and third, Emily Austin, 9; male 15-18: first, Lucas Kinney, 31; second, Trevor Levesque, 30; and third, Mitchell St. Peter, 19; female 15-18: first, Anna Soderberg, 20; first, Rylee Warman, 20; and third, Madeline Gudde, 18.
Male 19-29: first, Wheeler, 42; second, Rines, 34; and third, Bradley Burlock, 21; female 19-29: first, Alecia Palmer, 22; second, Katie Keaton, 18; and third, Brittany Grass, 16; male 30-39: first, Gorneault, 33; second, Evan Graves, 27; and third, Paul Johnson, 24; female 30-39: first, Hanscom, 38; second, Amanda Cushman, 28; and third, Cindy Leclerc, 18.
Male 40-49: first, Craig Dubay, 51; second, George Ferland, 34; and third, Jeff Ashby, 22; female 40-49: first, Ewings, 42; second, Emily Dow, 14; second, Julie Dicker, 14; male 50-59: first, Leo Kashian, 55; second, Carl Soderberg, 29; and third, Brent Bailey, 21; female 50-59: first, Wright, 55; second, Anna Bernard, 18; and third, Janice Wright, 11.
Male 60-69: first, Ed Malone, 49; second, Larry Tonzi, 33; and third, Roy Alden, 17; female 60-69: first, Connie McLellan, 11; male 70 and over: first, Art Thompson, 22.
Walkers: first, Amanda Roberts, 11; first, Janna Shaw, 11; first, Joe Doherty, 11; and first, Michelle Bragdon, 11.