115 Years Ago-Oct. 19, 1899
• C. P. Hussey’s bowling parlors will be opened Saturday evening with Harold Lowney in charge of them.
• Deer hunters are having great success this year; none are shipped from this station as local demand is greater than supply and almost all that are shot are consumed at home.
100 Years Ago-Oct. 15, 1914
• News from Eagle Lake — There are several rumors afloat relative to the removal of the Eagle Lake Hospital about January 1st. The Riverside Hotel is achieving quite an international reputation as it now has about seven different nationalities under its roof. Eagle Lake now possesses all of the up to date attractions, moving pictures, roller skating, powdery scab, etc.
• Supplies for harvest help — The advertisement reads: “Farmers Take Notice,” You can buy your blankets, quilts and bedding of all kinds for your extra help for the least money and have the largest stock to select from at Whitney’s, Furniture and Undertaking, Main St. (Caribou).”
75 Years Ago-Oct. 19, 1939
• Caribou wired for dial phones — Activities of New England Telephone & Telegraph Co. crews have been quite obvious about town for the past weeks as the process of rewiring all residences is now in progress with business institutions to be undertaken in the immediate future.
• Of local interest — Enrollment at the Sincock school has nearly reached its peak with 430 pupils. Considerable interest was shown here Saturday in the first showing of the 1940 Chevrolet at Pierson Motor Co. J. A. Yerxa of Yerxa’s Square Lake camps expressed belief that out of state sportsmen visiting this area will be somewhat less this year due to war conditions in Europe.
50 Years Ago-Oct. 15, 1964
• Nixon visits County — Dana M. Swett, Presque Isle Chairman of the Aroostook County Republican National Committee announced plans of welcome Richard M. Nixon when he visits the County Tuesday. A mammoth motorcade is planned to offer an opportunity for those county-wide to see and hear the former vice president. Bruce Billings, chairman of the town Republican Committee announced that a motorcade will form at 1 o’clock in front of his office on Main Street in Caribou.
• Parking committee formed — The newest effort to come up with a feasible program to alleviate the parking situation in Caribou is being followed with keen interest. The new Caribou Parking Committee includes members of the Town Council, Chamber of Commerce, Planning Board and the Development Corporation.
25 Years Ago-Oct. 18, 1989
• People’s Heritage Bank opens seven centers — People’s Heritage Bank will donate over $11,000 to local non-profit groups this month as part of grand opening events for the bank’s seven new northern Aroostook centers in Fort Fairfield, Limestone, Loring Air Force Base, Van Buren, Eagle Lake, Easton and Mars Hill.
• Community Players present ‘Irving Berlin’ — The Presque Isle Community Players will present a musical dinner-theater performance, “101 Years, 1001 Songs: A Celebration of Irving Berlin.” Performers include Glenna Smith, Cissy Libby, Jeannette Perry, Sylvia Weinberg, Margaret Coffin, Juliette Daly, Pam Wegner, Dan Ladner, Phil and Rob Richardson, Paul Smeltzer, Rick Landeen, Jim Derosier, Rod Thompson, Dave Rhodes and Brian Sawtelle.