Hodgdon to host preseason hoop tourney

10 years ago

Hodgdon High School will be the site of a preseason basketball tournament this weekend. The tourney features teams from Hodgdon, Katahdin, Southern Aroostook, Van Buren, Easton (girls only) and Limestone/MSSM.

The games will be two 20-minute halves with the last two minutes of the second half running time. Each game will run about an hour.
The schedule for the tournament is as follows:

Friday, Nov. 28
Girls:     Easton vs. Katahdin    10 a.m.
Boys:     Katahdin vs. Van Buren    11 a.m.
Girls:     Easton vs. SACS    12 p.m.
Boys:     Van Buren vs. SACS    1 p.m.
Girls:     Limestone/MSSM vs. SACS    2 p.m.
Boys:     Limestone/MSSM vs. SACS    3 p.m.
Girls:     Limestone/MSSM vs. Katahdin    4 p.m.
Boys:     Limestone/MSSM vs. Katahdin    5 p.m.
Girls:     Hodgdon vs. Katahdin    6 p.m.
Boys:     Hodgdon vs. Katahdin    7 p.m.

Saturday, Nov. 29
Girls:     Hodgdon vs. SACS    9 a.m.
Boys:     Hodgdon vs. SACS     10 a.m.
Girls:     Katahdin vs. SACS    11 a.m.
Boys:     Katahdin vs. SACS    12 p.m.
Girls:     Hodgdon vs. Limestone/MSSM    1 p.m.
Boys:     Hodgdon vs. Limestone/MSSM    2 p.m.
Girls:     Easton vs. Limestone/MSSM    1 p.m.
Boys:     Hodgdon vs. Limestone/MSSM    2 p.m.
Girls:     Easton vs. Limestone/MSSM    3 p.m.
Boys:     Van Buren vs. Limestone/MSSM    4 p.m.
Girls:     Easton vs. Hodgdon    5 p.m.
Boys:     Van Buren vs. Hodgdon    6 p.m.