Spring Home Improvement
What Kids Say
Scott Mitchell Johnson talked to first-graders at Pine Street Elementary School
“What room in your home is your favorite and why?”
Siri Beltran
Age: 7 1/2
Rhonda Clukey
“I like my bedroom because I do like writing in there. I share a bedroom with my sister, and it’s sometimes difficult having to share a bedroom with my sister because if she wants to come in, I can’t lock her out of the room. It’s her room, too! I also like the living room because we have a huge couch. I actually like all the house.”
Kaylee Harris
Age: 7
Kristi Stoutamyer
“My bedroom because my brother and I get to share the room. He’s 5. It’s fun. He can be messy though. We have our own sides of the room. My side is decorated with American Girl stuff, and his side has Star Wars stuff.”
Madelyn Waugh
Age: 6 1/2
Sherry Plissey
“The living room. Mr. McAtee, our gym teacher, gave me his mat to keep for gymnastics and I love gymnastics. I practice in the living room because my room is really tiny and I can’t fit the mat in it. I do cartwheels, roundouts and handstands. So far I haven’t bumped into anything or knocked anything over.”
Malakai Baker-Corson
Age: 7
Charlotte Ala
“The basement because it has all sorts of toys in it that me and my friends can play with. There are trucks, police cars, firetrucks and things like that. My other favorite room is my living room because it has an Xbox 360 with Minecraft. I’m good at that game.”
Caleb Holmes
Age: 6
Marianne Cyr
“My Mom and Dad’s bedroom because when I go in there, and it’s morning, I can say ‘Hi’ to my new, little baby sister, Jordyn. She was born in January. I have another younger sister. It feels really nice having a baby in the house. It makes it fun.”
Noah Jones
Age: 6
Kristi Stoutamyer
“My Mom and Dad’s room because it has a bigger bed. Sometimes I sleep in their bed like if I’m sick. I like my room, too. I keep it clean. Their room is clean, too, because it doesn’t have any toys in it.”