The gift of community theater

10 years ago

The gift of community theater

To the editor:
On a recent Saturday night my husband and I were treated to one of our county’s great gifts: The Presque Isle Community Players celebration of their 25th season — the Pulitzer Prize-winning comedy, “You Can’t Take it With You”.

Only a gifted director with a cast of professional actors could have produced the quality performance we experienced. But wait! This was a Community Players group and these wonderful people are our neighbors and friends right here in Aroostook County!
When we were leaving, the actors stood by the stage door to greet their audience. I heard many say to us, “Thank you for coming!” — with hand-shaking and hugs all around. But we, the audience, were also thanking them for countless hours over past months in rehearsal and staging. With four performances over two weekends, everyone who wanted to attend found a seat in the intimate Wieden Auditorium at UMPI and enjoyed over two hours of rollicking laughter. The Community Players must have been exhausted, but it wasn’t obvious in their enthusiasm.
To the entire stage crew, to the actors, and especially to our very talented Barbara Frick-Ladner, Jim and I would like to say our thank you. What a gift to an appreciative community!

Martie Pritchard