Washburn group tours Scotland and Ireland
by Beth Boddy
The Washburn Tour Group, consisting of 35 people, went on an educational tour of Scotland and Ireland from April 17-26. The group visited Edinburgh, Glasgow, Loch Ness, Belfast, Dublin, The Giant’s Causeway, The Book of Kells at Trinity College, The Stirling Castle and much more. The students had a wonderful time and thank all the many people that supported them in their fund-raising.
The next tour will be in 2017 with the destinations of Spain and Paris. If anyone is interested in this tour please call Tracy Reed at 455-4501 or email treed10@gmail.com.
Salmon Brook Historical meeting
The Salmon Brook Historical Society will be holding a meeting Thursday, May 28, at the Washburn Civic Center at 6 p.m. A business meeting including election of officers will follow the potluck supper. Please bring a place setting and either a main course dish, a salad or a dessert. All are welcome.
Benefit Dinner
Castle Hill Advent Christian Church invites everyone to a Benefit Dinner for Frank and Anita Moody. The baked bean and hot dog dinner, with all the fixings, will be held at the Castle Hill Advent Christian Church on Saturday, May 16, from 5-7 p.m. FMI: call Shirley Kidney at 455-8006.
Woodworking Club
The Washburn District High School Woodworking Club is providing an auto detailing service as a way to raise funds for the club.
The Basic service for $40 includes: interior cleaning, Armor All, window cleaning and trunk.
The Deluxe service for $50 includes: interior cleaning, Armor All, window cleaning, trunk and shampoo.
Extremely dirty vehicles will cost extra.
For more information call the Woodworking Club at 455-4501 or email Don Hanson at dhanson@msad45.net.
Washburn Beaver bangles
The Washburn School Destination Imagination teams are selling Washburn Beaver bangles. These beautiful bangles feature a pewter beaver charm and a Washburn blue bead charm. They are only $20 each. If you would like to show your Beaver pride and support the Washburn DI teams by purchasing a bangle, please contact a DI member or call Tracy Reed at 455-4501 or 227-4671. You can also view the bangle by visiting the Washburn District School website at www.msad45.net.
August Festival
Mark your calendar! The dates for the 2015 Washburn August Festival are Aug. 14-16. The August Festival Committee is in need of volunteers. If you are interested and/or have any ideas you would like to present please attend the next meeting on Wednesday, May 6, at 7 p.m. at the Washburn Rec Center on Bridge Street. If your group is planning on participating in the Festival in some way, please let organizers know by June 1 so they can be sure to get the event listed in the program booklet. The chances of being listed if we are told after this date reduces your chances of being listed. FMI, call Cindy Boot at 768-1375.
Those celebrating a birthday between May 6-12 include: Hannah White, Doris Churchill, Marty Clayton, Isaac Carney, Pam Wilcox, Jeff Wark, Darin Cunningham, Doug Everett Jr., Sandi Crouse and Velma Sperrey.
Those celebrating an anniversary between May 6-12 include: Lyn and Shelly Gresham.
Beth Boddy is the correspondent for Perham, Wade and Washburn. She can be reached by calling 455-8427 or by e-mailing bethwood@hotmail.com.