Foundation charity auction supports Houlton Regional Hospital

10 years ago

The fund-raising challenge for the Health Services Foundation has recently been set to raise $350,000 in a multi-equipment, multi-department campaign.
“We look forward to a second broad-based effort that will see our organization assisting Houlton Regional in support of 24 pieces of equipment over 12 hospital departments,” said Elizabeth Dulin, executive director for Health Services. “This type of campaign has far-reaching benefits for all those using Houlton Regional by providing significant health care services with the best possible equipment. What better way to help our communities with their health care needs than with the best services we can offer?”

Phase I of this multi-faceted campaign will focus on a new coagulation system for the laboratory, Fuji Synapse System for radiology and a medical records dictation system upgrade.
Phase I of this multi-faceted campaign will focus on a new Coagulation Instrument for the laboratory.  This instrument will perform testing to evaluate patients for bleeding abnormalities, monitoring anticoagulant therapy (Coumadin and Heparin), and checking patients for blood clots.
The FUJI Synapse System for radiology enables the radiologist to read off the computer monitors in his or her office any study that has been done within the department. The system also has the ability to send images over the Internet to other facilities for reading.
Medical Records Fusion Voice dictation system is an upgraded dictation management solution that automates tasks, provides easy-to-use applications that are flexible and is customizable to the needs of the hospital.
The scope of this project was reached in late March and the Foundation’s fifth Charity Auction will move the group forward with this effort. The Festival of Trees, and the Annual Diamond Raffle started the Foundation off in the right direction even before the project was presented and recent (to be announced) grant funding has helped significantly, Dulin noted.
On Saturday, June 6, the fifth annual Foundation Charity Auction will be held.
“Every year we marvel at the generosity of our donors and this year is definitely no exception,” Dulin said. “We have a stellar lineup of items that will please everyone who attends.  For this special night we have added a silent auction, along with highlight items of the Smith & Wesson 1911 E-series firearm, a painting by the late Esther Faulkner from a generous donor, diamond pendant from Goodrich Jewelry and a lovely tribute piece made by Paul Porter.”
For those registering for this event another highlight will be a free CD (while supply lasts) featuring the photography by Dr. Bob Ellis of the Northern Lights. Dr. Ellis went to the Arctic Circle in March to do the photo shoot and this video has been set to music.
“On a nostalgic note, these will be presented in a Goodrich (Jewelry) bag – no more of those around,” Dulin said. “We just thought it would be a fun touch and know Walter would be pleased.”
A total of 100 pieces have been acquired which will make for an exciting evening. Organizers hope those attending will be pleased with the night’s offerings. Norris Oakes will again serve as auctioneer, adding his good humor to the evening. A new setup will see bidders seated at tables for comfort.
“We have great photos on our website as well as the listing of all our wonderful donors,” Dulin said. “So please check it out and if you happen to see a donor in your travels please let them know how important their donation was to such a great cause.”
“The Foundation has been raising money for Houlton Regional for many years and the group never tires of the challenge of making it happen. Times get very serious along the way; however there are a lot of fun times to reach the goal as well,” Dulin said. “I say it over and over, none of the wonderful things we do can be accomplished without our donors and our gratitude toward them is neverending.”
For more information about this project or to make a donation to a Foundation project/program, please call 521-2147 or visit www.healthservices