Sponsorship program launches for hockey

10 years ago

Two years ago, the Houlton Town Council approved budgeting half of the money toward new hockey boards at Millar Civic Center, with the remaining cost withdrawn from the general fund balance and replaced through donations. But, those donations never came in.

Haley Nickerson, the John Millar Civic Center supervisor, is launching a sponsorship program to help defer costs of the boards.
“The money raised will initially go into [paying back] the town’s general fund,” she explained. “There has been some interest in potentially setting up a fund for the arena to cover maintenance, repair and miscellaneous costs at the civic center by using any revenues we get above and beyond the initial amount taken from the general fund. We are now just getting ready to send out mailings.”
Nickerson is hoping for a good response to the sponsorships.
“This is a good way to help the civic center,” she said. “We really appreciate all the support we can get.”
Throughout the winter, hundreds of people are filtering in and out of the rink from southern Maine to the northern part of the state and from across the border. These signs will be seen during hockey games and tournaments, public skating and at other activities held throughout the year at the civic center.
“I not only think it is a goodwill gesture,” said Nickerson, “but, an advertising opportunity. It also diversifies the funding for the civic center.”
There are about 73 boards around the hockey rink that will be available for business or individual advertising. The higher visibility boards — facing the bleachers — will cost $100 per linear foot, while the moderate visibility boards — along the side of the rink facing the locker rooms — will be $85 per linear foot; and the lower visibility boards — end of the rink at the entrance of the arena — will be $70 per linear foot. Sponsorships are on a first-come, first-served basis.
Boards can be sponsored annually or on an indefinite contract. The annual contract runs from Oct. 1 to the Sept. 30 of each year. Indefinite sponsorships will end upon removal of dasher boards from the Millar Civic Center, the closure of the business, closure of civic center or if a business has left the sign in disrepair.
Indefinite sponsorships will be a set rate per board, rather than lineal footage. All signs will be purchased by the sponsor and must be printed on a white background and be printed on vinyl adhesive, specifically designed for ice hockey rinks. Message on the boards will be subject to park and rec officials’ approval.
“We do not anticipate selling all of them,” she said. “But, there are a lot of options. We do have recommendations on who to get the signs done through.”
Nickerson said a business or sponsor would fund a whole board or boards, with varying sizes from as large an area of 8 feet to as small as 2 feet, 6 inches. Nickerson said there has been interest shown in the sponsorship program.
“Not every business may be able to sponsor the large boards,” she said. “But, they might be able to support a smaller area.”