1940: Women’s Civic League opens playground

10 years ago

115 Years Ago – 1900

• Salmon have arrived at the Caribou Salmon pool.

• The Canadian Pacific Railroad Co. is running weekly excursions during the summer months to New Brunswick’s Fundy Coast. The rates from Caribou to St. Stephen and return are $4.65 and to St. Andrews are $4.90.

100 Years Ago – July 15, 1915

Last week’s storm — Damage accounting for more than $100,000 in western Maine was caused by one of the worst mid-summer storms ever known in Maine last Thursday and Friday. More than 4 inches of rain fell overnight, making the total precipitation 8.57 inches for eight days.

The Kaiser’s reply — Germany’s reply to President Wilson’s letter has been received. The Kaiser ignores the main issue completely and presents new interpretations of international laws.  We do not do not counsel war, nor do we think the present severely strained diplomatic relations will result in such a declaration. Yet, it is obvious that Emperor William has placed a large chip on his shoulder and plainly invites us to knock it off if his words are not to our liking.

75 Years Ago – July 11, 1940

Farm total drops — The farm census figures showed Aroostook’s total dropping off markedly.  The number of farms in the five counties of eastern and northern Maine: Penobscot, Hancock, Aroostook, Washington and Piscataquis, showed a sharp drop over the past five years.  Washington was the only county to not have a drop in the last five years.

Playground opens — The Caribou Municipal Playground under the sponsorship of the Women’s Civic League opened Monday morning with over 100 children present, and exceeded everybody’s expectations. Sports, handcrafts and dramatics have already been started and group of preschool children is to be organized for special activities.

50 Years Ago – July 15, 1965

New Sweden anniversary — The 95th Anniversary of the town of New Sweden will be held on New Sweden Day, Friday, July 23. An open house of the New Sweden Museum and Town Hall will be held from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m.

Call via Telstar — Roland Albert, the Town Manager of Stockholm, took part in a 15-minute telephone conversation with a man of the Swedish newspaper Dagens Nyphetes via Telstar.  The two exchanged information on their respective communities.

25 Years Ago-July 11, 1990

Investigating Scotland — A trip to Scotland last week, organized by Aroostook County Job Opportunity Zone members, offered 23 area municipal, planning, education, farming and business officials a look at European agriculture in a climate and economic structure similar to that of northern Maine.

Auxiliary awarded — The Lister Knowlton VFW Auxiliary Post 9389 of Caribou was recently recognized for their contributions to the organization’s cancer fund. The local group raised $2,000 for the project and received a state award during the recent state convention.