Youth football registration day is Saturday

10 years ago

The Houlton Football Association will be holding a registration day this Saturday, Aug. 1, 2015 at 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. behind the Houlton Southside School.
Registrations will be accepted for players who will be in the fifth and sixth grades for the upcoming school year for the peewee team and players who will be in the seventh and eighth grades for the junior high squad, no experience is necessary.

Registration is $100 for individuals and $75 each for families with multiple players and covers the cost of equipment replacement and uniforms. All equipment will be provided for each player by the HFA.
The Peewee team, coached by Bill Alderson, competes against teams from Millinocket to the Bangor area and has an eight-game schedule with four home games.
The junior high team, coached by Quinn Harris and Eddie Flint, plays against teams from Aroostook and Penobscot counties and currently has a six-game schedule with three home games, although organizers are currently working to add at least two more games.
The HFA will also be holding a yard sale fundraiser at the same time as registration. All proceeds will go to fund the Houlton Football Association to provide area youth with the opportunity to play football. Come on out this Saturday and support Houlton Football!
Accepting coaches:
The Houlton Football League is accepting grade school coaches before the season kicks off on Saturday.
Interested people should have basic football experience, but it is not necessary. Bill Alderson, coach of the Houlton 5-6 grade team, has agreed to share his football philosophies, drills and coaching fundamentals for the younger football player with anyone who is willing to try their hand at coaching.
Alderson has been coaching football for 45 years.
The 5-6 grade football tryouts will be Saturday at 10 a.m. behind Houlton Southside School. Practices will begin on Monday, Aug. 17 at 5:30 p.m.
For more information, call Alderson at 694-1881.