County venture earns marketing grant prize

10 years ago

     Women, Work, and Community, soon to be known as New Ventures Maine, announced the winners of its Downtown Dollars marketing mini-grant competition for small businesses in Aroostook, Piscataquis, Washington, and Hancock counties.

     In Aroostook, the County Co-op and Farm Store on Main Street in Houlton received first prize of $400.

     The business is a consumer cooperative with more than 130 members operating a retail outlet open to the public. Its startup in September 2014 included strong branding, monthly member newsletters, a website and social media marketing.

     The Downtown Dollars grant will enable them to add traditional marketing methods with a monthly print advertisement in the local paper.

     Other winners included Anchorspace of Bar Harbor, which won the second prize of $300; 44 North Coffee of Deer Isle, third prize of $200.

     WWC officials said awardees were selected from a strong group of applicants throughout the northern Maine and Downeast regions.

     Jane Searles, Regional Manager for WWC’s North Central region, said, “The best part of having monies available to provide grants to business owners is that everyone wins! The business owners are able to move their marketing efforts forward, and it keeps the local economy in our downtown areas vibrant and growing along with the businesses.”

     Jill Doucette, owner of Aroostook Photo Services in Van Buren, lent her expertise as one of the members of the review committee.

     “Being a past recipient of the marketing mini grants as well as an Ambassador for WWC, I see the potential that these grants have on small business in Maine. Not only is it a wonderful financial boost, it helps practice grant writing skills and helps business owners realize the importance of having a comprehensive business plan.”

     A statewide organization serving all sixteen Maine counties from nine centers and outreach sites, Women, Work, and Community offers skills development and support in the areas of career planning, entrepreneurship, and financial management.

     For more information on marketing mini-grants as well as other programs, classes, and resources for small businesses, contact the northern WWC office in Presque Isle at 768-9635, or visit