Ridge Runners host balloonists’ breakfast

9 years ago


By Tomi Henderson

Breakfast Success

    The Chapman Ridge Runners hosted their second “Balloons and Breakfast” during the annual Crown of Maine Balloon Fest.

     According to member Sue Maynard, “This is a fundraiser for our building fund. We’re a long ways from paying off our beautiful building. It takes lots of fundraisers to fund a clubhouse, lights, fuel, food, maintenance, etc.
“We really enjoy mixing with and talking to the crews and pilots. It’s very interesting to hear the different requests for the food, with different areas and cultures involved. We had one request for peanut butter for the top of the pancakes. We’ll have it next year,” Maynard said.
The Central Aroostook Chamber of Commerce asked the club if they would be interested in hosting the breakfast and provided the requests from the balloonists as to what to serve.
“The people involved, locals and participants all love the area and can’t say enough about the people, the area, scenery and the breakfast. They all love our clubhouse and find it and the people involved very welcoming. One pilot kissed all of the cooks! It’s a very busy day, but just a great experience for our club members too,” Maynard said.
In addition, the club also has a quilting group that meets weekly from October to May and the group works on our own quilts, makes items to donate to Caring Area Neighbors for Cancer Education and Recovery (C.A.N.C.E.R.) and creates designs for a craft fair the club hosts in December, which again helps with the building fund. Anyone interested in attending the quilting group should call Linda Pelletier at 762-3741.
Historical Society Supper and Auction

    The Haystack Historical Society will host their annual fundraiser supper and auction at the museum on Main Street in Mapleton this Saturday, Sept. 12.
The ham and bean supper will be served from 4:30-6 p.m. Prices are $8 for adults and $3 for children under 12. Take-out meals will be available.
The auction will follow at 6:30 p.m. with Mapleton auctioneers Ron Leonard and Matt Gregg.

 Fundraiser Yard Sale

    Mapleton Girl Scout Troop 1133 will hold a yard sale this Saturday, Sept. 12, from 8 a.m.-5 p.m. and Sunday, Sept. 13, from 10 a.m.-3 p.m. at Sleepy Hollow Storage at 1022 Mapleton Road. The girls are raising funds for their troop trip to Florida in 2016.
If you would like to donate items for the sale, please contact Laurie Amero at 551-5559.


    Happy Birthday wishes this week to Logan Johnson, Gloria Clair, Carl Ritchie, Ronnie Roope, Zachary Breton, Kyle Gilson, Madelyn Carson, Stuart Smith and Landyn Newlands.


    Happy Anniversary wishes this week to Mike and Shelley Michaud on the 10th.

Regular Hours

    The Town Office has concluded the office hours trial and will resume normal office hours, 8 a.m.-4 p.m. Monday through Friday, starting Tuesday, Sept. 8.
Town Manager Jon Frederick wishes to thank everyone that took the time to fill out a survey and provide feedback on the trial office hours.

    Jennifer Buzza is the correspondent for Mapleton, Chapman and Castle Hill and can be reached at 760-9115 or at jbuzza@ainop.com.