Ricker Rumblings

9 years ago

Trying to keep a smiling face but something happened to my hearing over the past few days and I am almost all deaf. I will see a doctor on Tuesday, so prayers are what are needed.

If you know Betty Ivey at Lee Apartments she needs prayers too. Betty fell in her apartment in back of the police station and broke a bone in her back, I’m told, and hurt her foot. Betty, a popular sort of person, has had a lot to contend with lately, but nothing she can’t handle.

On one night last week, Harry Roper and his group entertained us in the community room. The group consisted of Harry, director, Dough Dieckman, Sharon Lowrey and another lady, whose name escapes me (please excuse me for omitting your name). The four piece ensemble sang several songs, some we were acquainted with and some not, but it was all beautiful. Attending were Joyce Bryant, Lavina Byron, Saddie Carmichael, Lois Downing, Caroline Folsom, Gary Kimball, Cherie Moulton and Shirley Nason. We all enjoyed a very nice evening. Thank you very much.

The weather is favorable and a great weekend to wind the summer up. Those people who like swimming and cookouts have had it ideal. Let’s hope it continues.

Kimberly Dunlop, my across the hall neighbor, has been to Bangor for surgery. Kim, I am so glad it was successful. Hope to see you soon and up and about. My brother Paul H. Phelan, who resides in Westbrook, was one of the veterans chosen to go on the Victory Run (that isn’t its official name) to Washington, D.C. The “run” is over now and Paul told me he was treated royally. His niece and husband of Baring, ME, Penny and Charlie Nugent, as was his son-in-law, Dennis Walch. were there to meet him in Portland. They also said the celebration was superb. Paul, 94, is so glad he had the chance to make this great trip.

Another person on the second floor, Shirley Nason  fell recently in Howland while there visiting a relative. Shirley did not break any bones, but says she is hurting. I believe it!

Bonnie Lukehart entertained two little sisters of Littleton, Delilah 5 and Kaylee 4, over a week ago. The girls were having a tea party with the help of Denise Hitchcock and Barbara Watson., two second floor pals.  We had sandwiches, a delicious salad with miniature marshmallows, cup cakes and special drinks and of course, they were served, in the fashion of little “tea cups.” I haven’t been to a tea party for ages, so it was a treat for me, as their reporter. The girls were gaily dressed in skirts, fancy shirts and special  colored stockings, unheard of when I was a child. We all had a super time, especially the girls, and their mother picked them up later in the day.

My daughter Kathryn Hall was an overnight visitor at my place on Friday. Kathryn works in Bangor and resides in Brewer. My great grandchildren Jeremy Rockwell and his partner Frances with three stepchildren and Jeremy’s son, Silas visited me as well. They were driving to Boston and then flew from there to Houston, where they live. It was great to see Silas, 6 years old and how he has changed and to meet Frances, and her sons. They grow so fast!

Tenants: if you have news you want printed, just leave it under my door please and thank you. My angel note for today is: “In times of trouble, we can turn to the loving arms of angels sent by God as messengers of comfort and bearers of courage and hope.”

See you next week, God willing.