RSU 39 to hold public meeting

8 years ago

New preK-8 school will be the topic of discussion

     CARIBOU, Maine — RSU 39 and PDT Architects are holding a public meeting regarding the new school project and the future of Teague Park, tonight at 6 p.m. in the Performing Arts Center.

     Both the school board and architects have been discussing the new school for several months, but the project still is still at the conceptual stage and has a long way to go.

    At this point, the Department of Education could completely fund the project, resulting in no local tax burden. Whether or not the project is completely state funded will be up to local voters once it goes to referendum.

       According to Lyndon Keck of PDT Architects, who has been involved with similar school projects throughout the state, some communities decided to let the Maine DOE fund their new school entirely, while other communities, such as Hampden, have wanted additional amenities and agreed to allocate up to $9 million to their school via local taxes.

     Caribou, Limestone, and Stockholm residents are invited to attend the meeting and ask any questions they may have about the project.