From Our Files week 17

8 years ago

From Our Files

Headlines from 102 years of local news.

102 Years Ago – April 23, 1914

    Easter Sale — The Ladies Swing Club of the M.E. Church held their Easter Sale in the new church vestry, where useful and fancy articles, ice cream, food and homemade candies were on sale. A very generous sum was added to the treasury.

75 Years Ago – April 24, 1941

    B&A bus drivers win safety awards — Bangor and Aroostook bus operators boasting a perfect safety record of operating 326,597 miles in the past year without a single at fault accident, were presented awards here in this city last Sunday by T. Fred Smith, general passenger agent. Recipients were: Frederick Lunt, Bangor; Freeman Stackpole, Fort Kent; Donald Dow, Fort Fairfield; Rex Lee, Millinocket; Donald Murray, Caribou; and R.B. Stewart, Van Buren.
Talk at Rotary
— Clifford O. T. Wieden, principal of the Aroostook State Normal School, was the speaker at the weekly session of the P.I. Rotary Club, at the Northeastland. Supt. of Schools, Roland Carpenter was the program chairman. The Normal School head submitted a highly interesting classification talk entitled “The Origin and Development of State Normal Schools and Teachers’ Colleges in the United States.

50 Years Ago – April 28, 1966

    Dirigo delegates announced — PIHS Principal H.A. Moores selected junior class girls to attend Dirigo Girls State at Colby College for one week. Miss Gail Moskowitz is sponsored as a delegate by the Presque Isle Lionettes and her alternate, Miss Janice Dyer; Miss Andrea Smith sponsored by the PI Business and Professional Women’s Club and her alternate, Miss Linda Turner; and Miss Judy Packard will be the delegate for Ray Goding Unit, American Legion Auxiliary, and her alternate, Miss Ann Duplessis.
Local boy starts deer hunting early! — Saturday afternoon, while driving on the Portage road, Camille Albert had the surprise of his life. Six deer jumped in front of his car and one was hit. He thought it was dead. Mr. Albert called the game warden to claim the carcass. When he returned to the scene of the crime, the only thing he found left was a damaged fender and headlight.

25 Years Ago – April 24, 1991

    Local broadcaster named ‘Citizen of year’ — Norman W. Johnson, vice president and general of WAGM-TV and Houlton CATV Inc., has been selected as the 1990 representatives of the local Kiwanis, Lions and Rotary clubs. The recipient will be honored publicly during the third annual Citizen of the Year Banquet to be held May 9 and Keddy’s Motor Inn, PI.
Mapleton voters elect Doyen
— Mapleton voters re-elected town selectman Keith Doyen by a more than double majority vote in a runoff election held Monday night between the incumbent and challenger, Leona C. Allen. Doyen was elected to his third, three-year term on the board of selectmen with 114 votes. Allen received 57 votes, with a total turnout of 171 voters.