Interested residents should act fast to order community calendars, which include birthdays, anniversaries, etc., along with photos of local venues and people, and a different color photo on each page. Purchase calendars by filling out a form at the Town Office. Customers must pick up their calendars at the Town Office in mid-December; they will not be delivered as in the past.
This year’s price will be $12. Proceeds from this project help pay out-of-town fees for local children’s lessons and make it possible to offer partial scholarships to those in need.
Call 488-6601 with any questions.
- BOSTON POST CANE — Ida Doak recently received the Boston Post Cane award for being Easton’s oldest citizen. Easton Town Manager Jim Gardner presents her with the honor. (Photo courtesy of Hillary Hallett)
Happy Days Club
The Happy Days Senior Citizens Club enjoyed a potluck lunch Sept. 14 with nine members/guests present.
Judy Anderson, director of the Retired Senior Volunteer Program, and Christine McPherson, volunteer coordinator, discussed and demonstrated the Bone Builders Program offered to seniors by the Aroostook Area Agency on Aging. Easton will begin the program in the near future.
The business meeting was then called to order with seven members present.
The next meeting will be a potluck lunch at 11:30 a.m. on Thursday, Sept. 28, in the Recreation Room at the Manor. All seniors are welcome to join and bring a friend.
Fall cleanup
The town will provide a collection point at the town garage on the Fry Pan Road for household junk, such as appliances, tires, furniture and wood, on Saturday, Oct. 21.
Wood products must be separated and no household garbage or used oil will be accepted. Another collection point will be set up next to the recycling igloos behind the town office to dispose of electronics such as televisions, computers, monitors, printers, fluorescent bulbs, circuit boards, cell phones, fax machines, scanners, laptops, DVD/VCR players, batteries and copiers. All recyclables must be deposited in the igloos.
Cleanup day is for Easton residents only. No commercial loads. Call 488-6652 with any questions.
Community library
The Community Library will be held at the Easton High School Library on Saturday, Sept. 30, from 9:30 a.m. until noon. Story time is from 10 to 10:30, geared for toddlers/pre-K to grade 3; children under 5 must be accompanied by an adult.
Harvest camps
Cooking Camp will be held Oct. 3-6 at the Recreation Center. The cost is $15.
This program is open to grade 1 and up. Participants will cook fall produce and serving senior citizens and grandparents on Friday, Oct. 6 at 11:15. Taught by Chris Finnemore from the Maine Cooperative Extension.
There must be at least eight enrolled in each class.
Fitness classes coming
Ashley Nadeau will offer fitness classes from Sept. 13 through Nov. 8 at the Recreation Center. Classes will meet on Sunday and Wednesday evenings.
Classes are Core De Force, a workout that focuses on core and rotation, at 5:30 p.m., and Pop Pilates, which combines Pilates and choreography on the mat, at 6:30.For more information, contact Nadeau at 521-4747 or
Hillary Hallett is the correspondent for Easton. She can be reached by sending an e-mail to: or calling 551-7737.