Washburn boys win at East Grand

1 week ago

DANFORTH, Maine — The Washburn District High School boys earned a 72-15 victory at East Grand High School of Danforth on January 31.

Washburn  16  32  55  72

East Grand  5  7  9  15

Washburn: Cunningham 2-0-5, Tate 0-0-0, Curtis 6-0-15, Espling 1-2-4, Sines 1-0-2, Barnard 2-0-4, Plourde 4-0-14, Campbell 1-0-2, Hewitt 2-0-4, Worsley 1-2-4, Allen 7-2-16, Silver 1-0-2, Nichols 0-0-0

East Grand: Fortier 1-0-2, Whiting 1-0-2, Drost 0-0-0, Hallett 0-0-0, Ripley 0-0-0, McEwen 1-0-2, Lloyd 0-0-0, Cowger 0-0-0, Lindsey 4-1-9, Frye 0-0-0

3-pt: Cunningham, Curtis, Plourde 2