Extension makes stews for local club

18 years ago

On Jan. 22, the Spragueville Homemakers Extension held its regular monthly meeting at the home of Ann Knight, with 11 members attending.
    Following the Call to Order by President Lois Griffin, the Homemakers Creed was recited, roll call was taken by Secretary LaVone Walters, and Lois recorded volunteer hours.
The secretary’s/treasurer’s reports were read by LaVone; she also read recently received correspondence.
‘Coins for Caring’ were collected at this time.
Lois reported that member Blanche Beckwith is recovering nicely from her broken hip and is anxious to once again be able to drive her car and go back to work.
Under old business: Lois reminded those attending that the Extension would be serving stews to benefit the PI Snowmobile Club during their weekly Stew Night on Friday, Jan. 26. The group also furnished pies for the annual pie sale that same evening, which benefited the Extension. A discussion was held on the stew’s menu – it was decided to have Corn Chowder, Tomato Rice and Hamburg-Macaroni. Members present volunteered to make pies and rolls; also, to help prepare, set up and serve the meal.
Under new business: Lois reported that the new Extension booklets were not yet prepared for delivery.
Tammy Wheeler reported that the tentative plans for the James School Day have  been changed for this year. However, volunteers may still be needed for the newly planned activities; more information will be forthcoming.
A discussion was held on updating the Calling Committee. A suggestion was made that calling should be done earlier in the week prior to the monthly meeting to allow for appropriate planning.
A Train the Trainer session on cranberries and food safety will be held March 15; further details will be available at the Feb. meeting.
Following adjournment of the business meeting, Ann presented a program on emergency preparedness, emphasizing the importance of having necessary supplies available in the event of an emergency situation n our area, such as a severe winter storm or toxic spill. Pamphlets from the Red Cross with appropriate information were passed out.
Following the program, refreshments were served by Ann, Irma Weeks and Lois.
The next meeting of the Extension was planned for Feb. 26 at 7 p.m. at the Chamber of Commerce Office, with a tentative program on the Linus Blanket Project. Any lady interested in attending an Extension meeting is cordially invited to attend.