Thanks for a year of success

18 years ago

   ASHLAND, Maine – As president of the Ashland NHS chapter, I would like to thank everyone who helped make this year a success. In most recent news, on March 6, we inducted our three newest members, Miranda Donovan, Stephen Philbrook and Andrea Mayo. These members are now going to play important roles in planning future events. Our chapter now boasts 12 enthusiastic members.

    Throughout this year, the Ashland NHS chapter has participated in many community and school events. This past fall, all of the NHS members helped carry goods donated by Catholic Charities Maine to the Ashland Food Pantry. We also hosted a Red Cross Blood Drive and met our goal of 50 units. In November, we hosted a Thanksgiving Dinner for the senior citizens at Ashland Community High School.
There are about three more events that our chapter plans on participating in.
These events include Daffodil Days, the Spring Academic Awards Banquet and volunteering our services at the Special Olympics.
We have had a busy year and hope to succeed in our future plans of providing service and leadership within our community.