Wind farm donates $5,000 to the Mars Hill Fire Department

Tomi Henderson, Special to The County
17 years ago

Rotary Club

    The Mars Hill Rotary Club met on Tuesday morning at 6:30 a.m. at the Aroostook Health Center in Mars Hill.

    A plaque was presented to Larry Fletcher for his service as president during the 2006-2007 year.

Members voted to give funds to Brooke Smith for her trip to Akron for the National Soap Box Derby. Brooke won her class in the recent derby in Houlton.

    Ray Mersereau, Mars Hill town manager, spoke to the group and updated members on happenings in town. The park beside the new fire station is being worked on. Funds for this project are mostly coming from a grant.

    A new bank will be breaking ground soon in town. It will be located near the post office. The Bear Paw Inn, the ‘new’ motel in town, is open and doing well.

    UPC Wind Farm management recently made a $5,000 donation to the Mars Hill Fire Department for the purchase of some new turn-out gear.

    The latest tax bills have been mailed out. Due in large part to the wind farm, the mil rate is now 20, a drop of four mils. 

Senior citizens

    The Mars Hill, Blaine and Westfield Senior Citizens met on June 20 with 15 members and one guest present. Patsy Delong led the meeting. Grace Rideout asked the blessing and gave the invocation. Following the flag salute, the group sang “God Bless America.” The secretary’s and treasurer’s reports were read and accepted.

    Mona Lynch spoke to the group about Medicaid, followed by playing Medicare BINGO.

    The club will be attending a picnic at Mantle Lake Park on July 16.

    The next meeting will be held on July 18. Carol St. Amand of the Aroostook Area Agency on Aging will speak to the group about legal services. The Golden Age Club will come to Mars Hill for this meeting.

Golden Age

    The Golden Age Club met June 26 in Bridgewater with 11 members attending. Don Cadrette asked the blessing and gave the invocation. Following the flag salute, the secretary’s and treasurer’s reports were read and accepted. Members discussed the picnic held at Mantle Lake Park on July 16.

    Members attending were Bob and Rosalie Craig, Don and Liz Cadrette, Bob Shaw, Arlene Wiggins, Ruth McKenzie, Gladys McEachren, John and Florence Kinney.

    The club met on July 10 for an outing to Mike and Maude’s in Fort Fairfield. There were 11 members that enjoyed dining out.

    The club will meet with the Mars Hill Senior Citizens on July 18. The next regular meeting will be held on July 24.

CAHS graduation 2007

    Central Aroostook High School held their commencement exercises for the Class of 2007 on Friday, June 8, 2007 in the high school gymnasium.

    Honor parts included: valedictorian – Jeremy Boulier, salutatorian – Kaelin Rideout, first honor essayist – Katelyn Field, and second honor essayist – Nicole McQuade.

    SAD 42 School Board Chairman Josh Tweedie, Superintendent of Schools Roger Shaw, Principal Kevin Grass, Class Advisor Nola Pendexter and English Robin Barker presented diplomas to the graduates.

    The members of the senior class and their future plans include: Colorado State University – Tim Carlson and Ethan DeGraw; New England School of Communications – Steven Miller; Northern Maine Community College – Tiffany Ford, Derek Smith, Brooke Sperrey; Saint Joseph’s College of Maine – Silas Kelly; University of Maine – Jeremy Boulier and Nicole McQuade; University of Maine at Presque Isle – Karter Burtt, Sam Clockedile, Jennifer Crawford, Damie Cushman, Kalyn Devoe, Katelyn Field, James Richard, Bradley Scovil, Kayla Shorey and Brittany Taylor; University of New England – Kaelin Rideout; and Wyotech – Rickey Antworth. Samantha Petit will enter the work force.

    Ninety-five percent of the Class of 2007 will continue their education; $54,600 in scholarships and cash awards were presented to 21 of the class members during class night and graduation. The scholarship total does not include *full-tuition or *half-tuition awards.

    Scholarships included: Brad Scovil – CAHS Faculty ($300); Brittany Taylor – CAHS Alumni ($250), and CAHS Faculty ($300), Earl & Boyce Bradbury ($500); Brooke Sperrey – Mars Hill Community Club ($50), ACAP Headstart ($300), Barry Barker-Tweedie ($400), The Barking Foundation ($3,000), and Edith Kimball ($1,000);  Damie Cushman – Cecil Estabrook ($150), Harvest Scholarship ($150), Mars Hill & Blaine Jr. Extension ($300), and Mars Hill Rotary Club ($250); Derek Smith – Bob Doak Memorial Scholarship ($150), and Timothy N. Tweedie ($200); Ethan DeGraw – Bob Doak Memorial Scholarship ($150), Robert Mahan Memorial ($300), Greg Grass Memorial ($100), Mars Hill Local FFA ($50), and Bridgewater PTCO ($50); James Richard – Mars Hill and Blaine Community Club ($50), Barry Barker-Tweedie ($400), and Harvest Scholarship ($150); Jennifer Crawford – Cecil Estabrook ($150), Mars HillImage and Blaine Jr. Extension ($200), Winterfest ($200), Barry Barker-Tweedie ($500), CAHS Faculty ($150), and CA Nutter Scholarship ($450); Jeremy Boulier – ACI Alumni ($500), CAHS Alumni ($250), Emmett “Bud” Porter ($500), Fred Sylvester ($250), Leroy Shepard Merit ($2,500), Maine Principals Award, and UMaine Top Scholar Award (*Full Tuition).

    Kaelin Rideout – Cecil Estabrook ($150), Emmett “Bud” Porter – Outstanding NHS Award ($100), Jack L. Harvath Memorial ($1,000), Ricker College ($1,500 x 4 years), Senator George Mitchell ($6,000), Winterfest ($250), Yale & Mary Adelman Memorial ($400), and TD Banknorth ($2,500); Karter Burtt – Barry Barker-Tweedie ($400), and Cecil Estabrook ($150); Katelyn Field – ACI Alumni ($500), Dana B. & Arlene McCrum ($250), MELMAC ($1,000), National Honor Society ($50), William E. Yerxa ($500), and San Lorenzo Merriman (*half-tuition at UMPI); Katie Devoe – CAHS Faculty ($150), and San Lorenzo Merriman (*half-tuition at UMPI); Kayla Shorey – Barry Barker-Tweedie ($400), Jeremy Lynn Memorial ($500), Lois Terrell Memorial ($300), and Winterfest ($200); Nicole McQuade – Cecil Estabrook ($150), Jack L. Harvath Memorial ($1,000), Mars Hill Rotary Club ($250), McQuade-Melton Scholarship ($100), National Honor Society ($50), and Ricker College ($1,500 x four years); Rickey Antworth – Edith Kimball ($1,000).

    Sam Clockedile – Aroostook Lodge 197 ($500), Chris Sincerbeaux Memorial ($200), Harvest Scholarship ($150),   Mars Hill & Blaine Jr. Extension ($300), and Timothy N. Tweedie ($200); Silas Kelley – Frank Kearney Jr. Memorial ($500); Steve Miller – BCA Alumni ($500), Edith Kimball ($1,000), Ruth Bubar Memorial ($100), Maine Masonic Lodge ($500), Music Department ($100), and Sargent & Tweedie Transportation ($200); Tiffany Ford – Cecil Estabrook ($150), Edith Kimball ($1,000), NMCC Presidential Scholarship ($1,000), Winterfest ($200), and Early College for ME ($2,000); Tim Carlson – Aroostook Lodge #197 ($500), C. P. Whitaker ($250), Cecil Estabrook ($150), Don L. McCrum ($400), Jay Bradbury Memorial ($200), T. R. York ($500), and Tyson Ford Perry Memorial ($500). 

Storybook Stew

    The Walter T. A. Hansen Memorial Library will host Storybook Stew on selected Wednesday nights from 7 – 8 p.m. Children age 4 – 8 are invited to join Miss Chris from the Cooperative Extension on July 11, 18, 25 and August 1. Mark this on your calendar for an evening of reading, games, snacks and fun!

Sesquicentennial meeting

    The Bridgewater Sesquicentennial Committee will meet on Wednesday, July 18, at 7 p.m. at the Bridgewater Community Building. The Committee is comprised of members of the general public, the BCA Reunion Committee, Bridgewater Historical Association, Bridgewater Fire Department and Bridgewater Recreation Department.

    Plans are being developed for a combined celebration in 2008 of Bridgewater’s Sesquicentennial and the next BCA Reunion and anyone who is interested is invited to attend the meeting. For more information, please contact Mike Crawford at 764-0202.       

Frozen sounds

    The Bridgewater Historical Association is having Ice Cream Night at the Thursday night music show on July 19. Music begins at 6 p.m. Make a donation and get a dish of ice cream. Other refreshment will also be available.

    All proceeds from the music program will go towards the purchase of much needed sound equipment for the building.

Bridgewater Historical Association

    The Bridgewater Historical Association meets the first and third Monday of the month at 7 p.m. at the Odd Fellows Hall on Main Street. For more information, please call Denis or Gloria Gagne at 429-8290, Jann Votaw at 425-7901 or at      

Ladies’ Stitch and *itch Group

    The Bridgewater Recreation Department has formed a Ladies’ Stitch and & ‘itch Group. The group meets every other Tuesday night at 6:30 p.m. at the Bridgewater Civic Building. Ladies of all ages are invited to attend. There is no charge to attend.

    This is an opportunity to bring whatever you are working on: cross-stitch, embroidery, scrapbooking, sewing, etc., and share good conversation while working on your favorite project. If you do not have anything to bring, that’s okay too, as others will be willing share and teach.   

    All are welcome – you don’t have to be a Bridgewater resident to participate, so bring your friends, too!

    For more information, contact Chris Finemore at 425-6606.

    Tomi Henderson is the correspondent for Mars Hill, Blaine and Bridgewater. She can be reached at 429-9126 or e-mail