Have you ever wondered what really goes on behind the scenes at the Presque Isle Police Department? Well, beginning in September, the Presque Isle Police Department will be offering the Citizen’s Police Academy to answer all of your questions. The course is open to all citizens who either live or work in Presque Isle.
The Citizen’s Police Academy will last 10 weeks, meeting once a week for three hours. Classes will be taught by Presque Isle PD officers and will cover topics such as domestic violence, traffic and criminal law, OUI enforcement, crime scene investigations, use of force, K-9 tracking bloodhound, narcotics detection dog and firearms. At the completion of the course, students will ride along with officers on the streets of Presque Isle.
There is no fee to attend the Citizen’s Police Academy. Residents wishing to attend must be at least 18 years of age (or 16 years of age if accompanied by a parent), and have no felony convictions. Questions are encouraged. Applications are available online at pipd.us or at the police department.
This week’s column was written by Sgt. Mark Barnes of the Presque Isle Police Department. He can be reached at 764-4476 or mbarnes@pipd.us.