Star City’s diligence pays dividends

17 years ago

The city of Presque Isle is pleased to announce the payment of dividends by the Maine Municipal Association (MMA), due to the city’s excellent loss experience.     The city carries its Worker’s Compensation, Property and Casualty, and Unemployment coverage through MMA. Premiums are assessed and paid each year for these protective insurance categories. When costs of claims for the year are a certain percentage below the premium rates, the city will receive a reimbursement for the cost difference. This is referred to as a loss ratio.
There was also an additional 1 percent dividend given to municipalities that participate in both of the Property and Casualty Pool and the Worker’s Compensation Fund. The city was a recipient of this as well.
Presque Isle works diligently to continue to offer a safe environment for its employees through an active Safety Committee. To that end, because we have been able to keep workplace injuries to a minimum, the city received a dividend check from our Worker’s Compensation carrier for $4,808.
The city takes pride in our fleet of vehicles, buildings and equipment. The staff is well trained to take the greatest of care of the city’s property. City-owned facilities and equipment undergo many inspections each year by the loss control consultants at MMA, the Bureau of Labor Standards, and others; for this, the city received a dividend of $4,638.
Presque Isle is known for the longevity of its employees. There is minimal turnover, and that turnover typically is due to retirements. This keeps unemployment low, and for that the city received a dividend check for $11,049.
These monies will go toward offsetting overall city expenses for the year.
   LaNiece Dampf Winslow is director of resources management for the city of Presque Isle. She can be reached at 764-2522 or e-mailed at