The Bernard and Iva Kenney family recently held the 30th family reunion at the Aroostook River Snowmobile Club with 93 family and seven guests in attendance. A four generation family was in attendance: Marie Ellis, daughter, Tina; granddaughter, Erica; and great grandson, Anthony. Lena Kenney said grace and all paused to think and pray for our men and women in the service. A potluck dinner was enjoyed by all. Anna McCarthy called the meeting to order.
New officers elected are: Andrea Hallett, president; Shawn McPherson, vice president; Janet Hopkins, secretary; and Heather Winslow, treasurer. The family donated a race cooler blanket at the Northern Maine Fair in memory of Harold F. Kenney, who passed away in December 2006. Christine McPherson won the 50-50 drawing. New births and marriages were announced. Cathie and David Farnum were thanked for the countless hours they spent updating the expanding family tree. Family members receiving scholarship awards were: Brianna Humphrey, daughter of Tracy and Diane Humphrey; and Ben McPherson, son of David and Tracy McPherson. Preston Kenney entertained the family as he conducted the annual auction. The 2008 reunion will take place Saturday, July 26 at the Aroostook River Snowmobile Club.
Birthday wishes go out to Madelyn Carson, Kevin Dunham, Asa Cook, Stuart Smith, Landyn Newlands, Judy Raymond, Derek Hanks, Ethan Turner, Terri Raymond, Dale Brenaman, Sharon Lafland, Peggy Brown, Dena Winslow, Ian Michaud, Ronald McEachern Jr., Allison Dean, Nathan Maurais, Stephanie Winslow, Debbie Estey and Dana McQuade.
Anniversary wishes go out to Pete and Joyce Pendexter, and Jay and Kelly Lamoreau.
Castle Hill Grange Hall Preservation Society
The Castle Hill Grange Hall Preservation Society held its monthly meeting Aug. 28. It was voted to have a concert/karaoke with Fireman Fred Oct. 14. Fred will sing and anyone who wants to do karaoke will be invited to participate. There will be a 50/50 raffle, door prizes, a light lunch, dessert, and beverages will be available. Donations will be accepted. They hope you can make this fund-raiser and have a fun-filled day with family and friends. This fund-raiser will provide them with the funds to keep the hall going another year. Please come and join them for an afternoon of family fun.
They would also like to thank everyone who bought strawberry shortcake at Mapleton Daze. They hope all enjoyed eating them as much as they enjoyed being there.
Mapleton United Methodist Church
A Fun and Fund Day will be held from 8 a.m.-4 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 15 at the Mapleton Methodist Church. Events will include a garage sale, food sale, luncheon (blue plate special from 11 a.m.-12:30 p.m.), movie, bingo, and games. Fun for all.
The next United Methodist Church luncheon will be held Friday, Sept. 14 at 11:30 a.m. The luncheon is open to the public and there is no cost. Donations are accepted.
Cubs, Pack 170 – Any questions on joining, please contact Adam Rider at 764-6897 or Dave Adams at 764-5662.
Boys, Troop 170 – The Mapleton Boy Scout Troop 170, along with the Cub Scouts, will be out soon doing their annual popcorn drive, so be on the lookout for them. If you think you may have been missed, please contact Bud Hoffses, 764-4885 or Peter Starr, 764-8189, and we will ensure one of the boys contact you. Also, if you would like to donate your empty bottles and cans, you can drop them off to the Parson’s Street Redemption Center and just tell them they’re for Boy Scout Troop 170. As always, the boys appreciate your support, which makes all of their activities possible.
If you have any questions on joining, contact Bud Hoffses at 764-4885 or Peter Starr at 764-8189. They hold their weekly meeting on Thursday at 6:30 p.m.
Mapleton Chapman Castle Hill Senior Citizens
The Mapleton Chapman Castle Hill Senior Citizens meets every Monday – except the fifth Monday – at Mapletree Estates.