Regional Fishery Biologist
The past two weekends have been spent in the headwaters of the Aroostook River surveying anglers at Millinocket and Millimagassett Lakes. These two lakes lie physically in the Enfield region but because they flow north, the sport fishery is managed out of Ashland. Most anglers are accessing these lakes from the Huber Road. The Huber Company should be acknowledged for their effort to plow several areas along their main trucking road that are affording anglers the opportunity to safely park on this busy land management road.
The groomed snowsled trails going north and south from the Scraggly camp make for great traveling to the lakes.
Several deer were observed walking or crossing the trails. A fox on Millimagassett Lake made visits to two parties, and was enjoying a feed of smelts that were being tossed his way. Unfortunately, the wildlife viewing was more active than the fishing. A few togue, trout and a handful of smelts were measured at Millimagassett Lake on Saturday and a few salmon and a splake were seen at Millinocket Lake. Millimagassett Lake affords the opportunity to fish for togue, salmon, brook trout and smelts. The sport fishery in Millinocket Lake is primarily for salmon and splake.