SHE makes future plans
PRESQUE ISLE – The Spragueville Homemakers Extension held its regular monthly meeting Nov. 26, 2007, at the home of Marilyn Wheeler, with nine members in attendance. Following the Call to Order by President Lois Griffin, the Homemakers Creed was recited, roll call taken and volunteer hours recorded.
Secretary/Treasuer LaVone Walters gave her respective reports.
Lois read correspondence from the United Way regarding the “Dress A Child” program. Following a discussion, it was moved and seconded to delay a donation to this worthy cause until a future date.
Under Old Business: Lois reported that a “Care Package” sent to Tom Steeves, in Iraq, had been returned; apparently, Tom was either on his way home or already there. It’s hoped another local service person can be located so as to continue this special project.
Marilyn Wheeler reported that she had been in contact with a representative from Gervais Fencing in Limestone, concerning the new balloon site fence. She reported on the company’s quote; she said she had talked with a person who presently has a fence purchased from Gervais, similar to what is desired for the balloon site; that person said he was totally satisfied with the fence. Thus, following a discussion, it was voted to accept Gervais’s quote and submit a down payment. Installation will be a soon as possible in the spring.
Under New Business: It was voted to once again purchase Christmas gift certificates for the group’s four Honorary Members. It was also voted to purchase a turkey for the GIFT food pantry.
It was decided to have a “Cookie Swap,” rather than a “Yankee Swap” at the Christmas party this year; those attending the party are also to bring non-perishable goods for the GIFT pantry.
Following the meeting’s adjournment, members who were interested in doing so participated in a short craft time, assisted by Lois; small and interesting ornaments were created from shells or cinnamon sticks.
Refreshments were furnished by: Kay Guerrettte, Angie Powers, Lois and Marilyn.
On Dec. 10, the Extension held the Christmas party at Lois’s home, with 10 members present. Prior to the social time, a short business meeting was held.
Following the Call to Order, the Creed was recited and roll call taken.
Secretary/Treasurer LaVone Walters gave her respective reports. She reported that the Christmas gift certificates for the Honorary Members had been purchased; a turkey for the GIFT pantry had also been purchased and delivered. LaVone also reported that there are still members who have not paid their dues. Following a discussion by those present, LaVone will send those members a reminder notice.
Under New Business: Joleen Joles will be the new recipient of the group’s “Care Packages” to Iraq. Carmen Wiggins said she would repack the sheet sets that were returned and forward them to Joleen, along with some fresh “goodies.”
Lois reported that she had received correspondence regarding the “Crown of Maine Balloon Fest” to be held Aug. 21-24. A discussion was held as to ideas on how the Spragueville Extension could be a part of the Fest. Further discussion will be held at a later date.
Marilyn reported that the January meeting would be held after the group’s “Stew/Pie Night” at the Presque Isle Snowmobile Club, with plans made for the stew’s menu. Lois, Marilyn, Rose Barnes, Carmen, and Ann Knight volunteered to serve on this committee.
Following the business meeting, a “Cookie Swap” was held. All present went home with a plate of various cookies. A plate was also made up for Joleen, to be sent to her. Miscellaneous refreshments were also brought by members, along with non-perishable items for the GIFT pantry.
The next Extension meeting will be held Jan. 25, at Ann’s home; she will contact a possible speaker.
SHE serves stew
The Spragueville Homemakers Extension will be serving supper at the Presque Isle Snowmobile Club in conjunction with the club’s weekly Stew Nights. Chicken stew, corn chowder, homemade rolls, corn fritters, hot dogs and toasted cheese sandwiches will be available for the main meal; with homemade pies for dessert. Supper will be served from 4-7 p.m. Proceeds from the supper will benefit the Balloon Site Fence Project.