Mapleton’s Sandusky named 2007 Lion of the Year

16 years ago

    The Mapleton Lions Club has entered its busiest season of the year. At a recent gathering of club members and their wives, Lion Terry Sandusky was named Lion of the Year for 2007. During the year, Sandusky was the club secretary and chaired the 44th Mapleton Lions Club Annual Auction and the club’s 50th Anniversary Celebration. Lion Lloyd Archer complimented him for the success of these events under his leadership.

    The Mapleton Lions has begun work on its upcoming projects for 2008. The 45th Annual Auction will be held Saturday, May 3. The auction will start at 6:30 p.m. after a fund-raising dinner that starts at 5 p.m. Club members are now soliciting donations for the auction. The club encourages everyone to attend to find some excellent bargains while at the same time helping club charitable work in the tri-community area.
    Following the auction in May, the Mapleton Lions Club will again be hosting the Mapleton Lions Club Memorial Day Parade. The parade will start at 2 p.m. and will end with the annual Remembrance Day Ceremony at the Mapleton, Castle Hill and Chapmen Veteran’s Monument in front of the Mapleton Elementary School. All of our friends and neighbors are invited to honor the commitment and sacrifices of our veterans. If you would like to be in the parade, contact information will be announced in a few weeks.
    Finally, the big event of the summer will be Mapleton Daze. As the sponsor of Mapleton Daze, the club will host the Friday evening Chicken Bar-B-Q. Plan to attend the largest gathering of present and former residents of the tri-community. Also the Mapleton Daze committee is looking for volunteers for the weekend’s activities. Consider being a volunteer to make this weekend a successful fun weekend.
    Birthday wishes go out to Rachael Milliard, Bryan Schurman, Helen Finnemore, Elizabeth Doyen, Randy Stephenson, Isaac Currier, Walter St. Peter Jr., Wayne Bushey, Geneva Archer, Louise Boucher, Katelyn Michaud, Stacey Smith, Isaac Clark, Alma Libby, Ashlee Albert, Erika Cole, and Jason House.
    Anniversary wishes go out to Gordon and Charlene Buzza.
Castle Hill Grange Hall Preservation Society
    The Castle Hill Grange Hall Preservation Society has cookbooks left to sell. These will be retired once all are gone. Call any member if you would like to purchase one.
    They would like you to please give them an hour of your time once a month to help keep the building operating. The fund-raisers they have are just paying their expenses and leave them with little else to do their projects. If you have enjoyed voting, going to town meetings, their suppers, having a reasonable hall to rent right in your own town, and other events, please consider helping to keep their organization going for future years. Working member is $10 per year, $15 for non-working member or $100 for a lifetime membership.
    Their meetings are the fourth Tuesday of the month from February through November. They are now renting the hall from May through October for showers, reunions, and birthday parties. Please see any member for details.
    They are requesting that anyone who has knowledge of a veteran who served in the military between 1903 to the present to write or call Natalie Maynard, 2877 State Road, Castle Hill, Maine 04757 or call 764-4878. They need names, dates, and any information you can give them so they can place the names on a sign or in a book in the future. The person must have been a resident of Castle Hill at the time of service.
Mapleton Alumni Association
    The annual board meeting of the Mapleton Alumni Association will be held at Mapletree Estates Monday, April 21 at 6:30 p.m. On the agenda is election of officers and planning for annual banquet in June. All graduates are welcome to attend.
Mapleton United Methodist Church
    The United Methodist Church luncheon will be held Friday, March 28 at 11:30 a.m. Everyone is welcome to come. Hope to see you there.
    Cubs, Pack 170 – Any questions on joining, please contact Adam Rider at 764-6897 or Dave Adams at 764-5662.
    Boys, Troop 170 – If you have any questions on joining, contact Bud Hoffses at 764-4885 or Peter Starr at 764-8189. They hold their weekly meeting on Thursday at 6:30 p.m.
Mapleton Chapman Castle Hill Senior Citizens
    The Mapleton Chapman Castle Hill Senior Citizens meets every Monday – except the fifth Monday – at Mapletree Estates. All are welcome.

    Bonnie Landry is the correspondent for Mapleton, Castle Hill and Chapman. She can be reached at 764-4860, or by e-mail at 


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    DUE TO LIMITED INTEREST, there will not be a 2008 Little Miss Mapleton Pageant. Last year’s queen, Lacy Condon, will end her reign as the 2007 Little Miss Mapleton at the Junior-Miss Mapleton Pageant which will be held Saturday, March 29 at 7 p.m. at the Presque Isle High School auditorium. Condon is the daughter of Richard and Tammy Getchell and Troy and Bobbi Jo Condon.






Photo courtesy of Bonnie Landry
    AT A RECENT GATHERING of Mapleton Lions Club members and their wives, Lion Terry Sandusky was named Lion of the Year for 2007. During the year, Sandusky was the club secretary and chaired the 44th Mapleton Lions Club Annual Auction and the club’s 50th Anniversary Celebration. Club President Lloyd Archer complimented Sandusky for the success of these events under his leadership. Here, Sandusky, left, receives a plaque from Archer.Image






ImagePhoto courtesy of Bonnie Landry
    DEBBIE’S DAYCARE in Castle Hill enjoyed a “Wearing of the Green” day to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day. Everyone wore green clothes, green glasses and top hats, made green crafts, played with green balloons and ate green snacks. Pictured are, front row, from left: Maddie Buzza, Brayden Boulier, Morgan House and Amanda Winslow. Back row: Samantha Boulier and Katelyn Amero.