Limestone NHS advisor
Limestone Community School has a 16-member National Honor Society Chapter. Through members are individually engaged in the business of service within the Limestone community, the entire group recently provided surprisingly much needed assistance through an annual fund-raiser.
Aroostook Republican photo/Barb Scott
Members of the National Honor Society at the Limestone Community High School are, from left, in front: Whitney Polk, Jasmine Cote, Audrey Picta and Dylan Morgan. Middle row: Isaac Bickford, Barry King, Salvadore Portera, Sarah Coppola and Parker Rossignol. Back row: Tyler Cote, Stacy Bernier, Kellie Peers, Marie Mazerolle, Addison Rossignol and Robert Amuzzini. Absent from picture is Kallie Cote, chapter president.
While selling carnations to support NHS commitments, the students raised awareness of the organization, as well as provided flowers for a very large percentage of the public to use. Some of those funds were designated to be given to local selected charities, while other funds will be used within the school community.
The much anticipated and diligently researched project of the NHS After-School Scholars, the LCS homework assistance program for elementary and middle school students, is finally ready to launch its trial run. High school students, staff and community members are being solicited to serve as volunteers in the program. Other than homework, snacks, games, and fun will be important parts of the afternoon.
Wearing the mantle of the NHS, while maintaining high academic standards, is crucial to the viability of the organization. Accepting leadership roles within school and community organizations is yet another critical aspect of each member’s life. Limestone NHS members have served as guides, hosts, teachers’ helpers, and servers within the community.
Attendance at regular work session meetings and the NNHS conferences (county and state) is an integral part of the Limestone Community School NHS members’ responsibilities.
Aroostook County is one of the few counties in the state with an active regional NHS organization and member school districts have faithfully hosted the fall and spring conference. At the spring conference, the Special Olympics volunteer banner is raised to allow some of the most able students in the area to assist some of the most challenged. It is a win-win situation for all.
Limestone Community National Honor Society students have stated in the past that this service project is one of the most important they can provide.
Though, admittedly, some of the busiest students on the LCS campus, the National Honor Society plays an important role in the lives of its membership. In support of this statement you should know that LCS regular NHS meetings are usually held at 7 a.m., before school starts.