Community Notebook

17 years ago
TOPS ME 233, Houlton
By Lois Downing

Take Off Pounds Sensibly 233 of Houlton met at the Aldergate building on High Street for its Friday, May 30 meeting.
    Leader Joyce Estey was in attendance. Twenty-two ladies were weighed; three were KOPS.
Loser of the week was Melva Folsom with Janette Nelson as runner-up.
Kathy Hall, daughter of Lois Downing, was a guest. The chapter sang “Happy Birthday” to Kathy.
There was no meeting. Eleven of the members left to go to Bangor to attend SRD there.
The next meeting will be June 6 at the same location.
If you need more information on the chapter, you may call Betty Ivey at 532-9653 or Charlotte Marley at 757-8483.
Weigh-in time is 8-8:45 a.m. with the meeting starting at 9 and usually ending at 10 o’clock.
Everyone is welcome.

Ricker Rumblings
By Lois Downing

Well, here we are in June. May your month of June be well spent with love and wellness.
Fr. Brian Blanchette, a native of Houlton, and who has a parish in Maine, was home recently and looking fit. Best wishes to Fr. Brian.
Kathryn Hall, daughter of Lois Downing, is spending a vacation with her.
June is the month of brides and graduates. To all those who are celebrating in any of these occasions, may your day be great with love and happiness.
The weather has been good some days and some not. We thank God for not sending tornadoes and floods and may God have mercy on those who are experiencing same.
Paul Downing, and son Patrick, son and grandson of Lois Downing have been visiting her from Wakefield, Massachusetts over the holiday weekend.
Celebrating 48 years in the priesthood and four years in the ministry are Fr. Ron LaBarre and Deacon Albert Burleigh. We had a potluck dinner after the 10:30 Mass and Eucharist on Sunday, June 1. May God renew them completely with holiness and happiness in serving the parishioners of St. Mary of the Visitation.
Priscilla Brownlow celebrated a birthday recently. Now Priscilla has a new vehicle and time to congratulate her. Happy times, Priscilla.
Visiting her mother from Connecticut was Bonnie, daughter of Althea Lloyd.
My thought for the day is: “Before they call I will answer; while they are still speaking I will hear. The wolf and the lamb will feed together…(Isaiah 65:24)
Have a wonderful week full of happiness and wellness. God bless.

    Patten Senior Citizens
    By Mary Lawler

Patten Senior Citizens met at Meadowbrook Manor on May 20 with 11 members present.
The blessing before the potluck meal was given by Gloria Noyes.
The business meeting was open with the flag salute, let by President Jackie Palmer.
The secretary and treasurer reports were read and approved. Cards were signed and sent to Del Rideout, John and Mari Birmingham, Jolene McNally, Ronald Chambers, Helen Palmer and Clona Russell.
The game will be played at the June 3 meeting. Members are asked to bring a picnic lunch. Nettie Shorey and Annette Noyes will be hostesses.
Members present on May 20 included: Rubenia Botting, Iola Giles, Gloria Noyes, Marilyn Somers, Mary Lawler, Maxine Bracket, Annette Noyes, Nettie Shorey, Jean Tarr, Pearl Grant and Jackie Palmer.

Island Falls
Senior Citizens

The Island Falls Senior Citizens met on May 15 for a potluck luncheon at the municipal building.
After the Lord’s Prayer and flag salute, the meeting was called to order by the President Terry Dwyer.
Secretary and treasurer’s reports were read and accepted.
Cards were signed and sent to: Ursula Levesque, Clayton Webb and Jim and Shirley D’Angelo.
Discussion was held on getting together a float for the Island Falls’ Summerfest.
On June 5, we will be eating out at Aries restaurant in Medway. We will meet at the municipal building at 10:30 a.m.
We are invited to Oakfield Senior Citizens meeting on June 18. We will be furnished the dessert.
Those present included: Mary Lawler, RSVP Coordinator Gini Garrett, Gladys Ferguson, Edward Dwyer, Ellie Peck, Verna MacArthur, Helen Sherman, Terry Dwyer, Marjorie Nicholson, Mary Pipes and Edith Dwyer.

The Happy Losers
By Shirley Sides

The weekly meeting of The Happy Losers was held May 28 at the Congregational Church vestry in Island Falls.
We had 13 members weigh-in and nine attended our meeting.
Our person who lost the most weight for the week was Jackie Pratt and runner-up was Annie Jane Smith.
Reports were given by our secretary and treasurer for the week.
Our leader Jackie Pratt led the program for the week. Her topic was on why we should exercise for at least 30 minutes a day. Meetings are very interesting.
Please feel welcome to attend our meetings every Wednesday 7:30 a.m. to 8:45 a.m. weigh-in and meeting starts at 9 a.m. Call 365-4884 for more information.