By Shirley Sides
The weekly meeting of the Happy Losers was held June 4 at the Congregational Church vestry in Island Falls.
We had 14 members weigh-in and 10 attended our meeting.
Our person who lost the most weight for the week was Lois Green and runner-up was Shirley Sides.
We had a very good weight loss for the week. Great job, ladies keep up the good work.
Reports were given by our secretary and treasurer for the week.
Jackie Pratt was the person who lost the most weight for the month of May.
Loretta Bouchard led the program for the week. Her topic was an article on “Turning off the Fat Gene.” It was an interesting meeting as always.
Please feel welcome to attend our meeting every Wednesday from 7:30 a.m. to 8:45 a.m. for weigh-ins and meeting starts at 9 a.m. Call 365-4884 for more information.
By Lois Downing
Take Off Pounds #233 of Houlton met at the Aldergate building on High Street for its Friday, June 6 meeting.
Twenty-two ladies were present with four KOPS.
Joyce Estey was present as leader and Barbara Troy was greeter.
Loser of the week was Denise Kinney with Vicki Little as runner-up.
Sherry Smith won the mystery box; Janette Nelson won the 50/50 drawing and Lois Downing took home the skinny dish.
Seven of the ladies talked over going to Fort Kent on June 7 for a workshop.
A member read some facts about the workshop June 7 in Fort Kent.
Joyce related to the group about SRD in Bangor last weekend of which 11 of the ladies attended. Joyce said she was elated she was tenth in a group to be honored in losing weight.
Denise Kinney was recognized as Chapter Angel and Melva Folsom was KOPS Angel. Some of the ladies gave their viewpoint of SRD too.
Bonnie Quint will be speaker next Friday. Charlotte Marley will have charge of a program in two weeks.
Weigh-in is at 8 a.m. to 8:45 every Friday. The meeting starts at 9 and ends at 10 a.m.
For those who want more information about the chapter you may call Betty Ivey at 532-9653 or Charlotte Marley at 757-8483.
Everybody is welcome.
By Lois Downing
Hello, everyone! Another Sunday and I hope it is a good week for everybody.
The fiddleheads have gone by. I had heard they were not so plentiful this year. At $3 a pound, we had a few fiddleheads. They were very good.
An announcement at St. Mary of the Visitation Church on Sunday brought the news that Rev. David Raymond will be the pastor of that church starting June 29. We welcome Fr. Raymond.
Michael Tuttle was a guest in Bangor at the home of his sister, Jean Boutot, for a 60th birthday party on Saturday. He was accompanied by his brother David and wife Louann.
I inadvertently left off the name of Maxine Morris from a list of names present at the annual RSVP banquet in Oakfield recently. Sorry, Maxine.
Celebrating a recent birthday is Marion Hogan. When you see her, wish her a happy birthday.
Congratulations to all graduates of Houlton High School and all the other graduates of local high schools. You have done a great job and our best wishes for your future.
Good as New store, formerly in the old Rexall store on Main Street, has moved to the basement of Parkview Terrace, where Mr. Cowperthwaite has his business. Good luck to the store in this new environment.
On May 28, friends of Priscilla Brownlow celebrated her 80th birthday. All present enjoyed a cookout party at the picnic table at Ricker Plaza. Her husband Ron, Aldeyne Friel, Helen Brewer, Arlene Friel, Maureen Friel, Peggy Robinson were present to wish her a happy birthday. She received a paper shredder as their gift to her. Anyone at Ricker wishing to dispose of personal papers now knows where to go to get this done.
Adam Henderson, son of Brian and Charlene, has finished college for the summer and is at home. Have a great summer, Adam.
Shirley Nason entertained her niece for part of the day on Saturday. They had a lunch outdoors.
My thought for the day is: “For the needs of the needy shall not be ignored forever; the hopes of the poor shall not always be crushed.” (Psalm 9:18)
Have a great week.
By Lois Downing
The Houlton Council of Catholic Women held its end of the year banquet in the parish center at St. Mary of the Visitation Church on Monday, June 3.
President Betty Childers was present to greet everyone. Bernette Roach helped with the tickets. The banquet was catered by Cathy Bither.
Guests were Rev. Ron LaBarre, Deacon Albert Burleigh and Kathy Hall, daughter of Lois Downing from Texas.
Betty told us she had a good year and she was very proud of our members. She related that everyone was working together to make a working membership.
Father LaBarre offered the grace before the meal. Deacon Al thanked everyone for their help the past year; he also made us laugh with his jokes. Fr. LaBarre remarked that we are a special parish and he was very happy to be here to fill in.
Lois Downing read the correspondence; Bernette Roach gave a treasurer’s report and Ethel Mersereau the secretary’s minutes.
Birthday and anniversaries were acknowledged. An invitation to the members was extended to them by Robert and Helen Glidden with an open house June 21 for a 60th wedding anniversary at their home on Main Street. ( No presents please the invitation stated.)
We were told that we were eating from new tables; the Council purchased the tables several months ago. A round of applause was given to Cathy Bither for a job well done.
Alice Adams was awarded the door prize. Seminarian fund was taken up.
The evening ended with prayers and remembering the sick.
The Council will commence meeting in September. Watch the bulletin for the exact date.
On June 4, the Sherman Area Senior Citizens Club, compromised of folks from Stacyville, Silver Ridge, Benedicta and Sherman, met at the gym for potluck lunch and played bingo afterward.
Plans were discussed to go on two outings; one to drive our own cars to Patten and eat at the Deli on July 2 at noon. On Oct 13, a van will be provided to board at Irving’s I-95 gas station, to enjoy a trip of viewing the tall colored foliage scenery as well as eat at a restaurant. Mark your calendars and don’t miss these dates. I’ll keep you posted.
It was great to have a large crowd present! June is “bustin’ out all over” at this beautiful time of the year.
Present at the meeting were: Fred and Annie Atkinson, Gary and Beverly Moody, Sylvia Lilley, Dean and Frances McKenney, Paul and Sandra Qualey, Bonita Staples, Donna Grass, Eva Perry, Mary Dickinson, Esther Greenier, Sam Quiggey and Linniea Perry.